O.T. Medigap Insurance?

May 18, 1999
Guys, I need some help here. After 36 months of being on my wife's C.O.B.R.A. Insurance it's about to run out.
I figure that maybe some of y'all may have had to deal with getting a medigap policy for y'all's folks or maybe even yourselves in some instances.
I've been on SSDI for quite a long time now with the full benefits of medicare and now have to face yet another hurdle of today's senior citizen race.
With my prescription costs it would be worth getting the extra cost prescription plan.
One of my pain meds is $335.00 a month straight up!!!!:rolleyes: :confused:
Can't help. Since I get VA benefits I don't have to worry about the medigap so have no experience.
I am ashamed to admit that I honestly thought that the word "Medigap" was a joke - a pun - a play on words...

I guess it's time for me to start learning the jargon. Although, my folks are still a good 10 yrs away (I hope).
Sorry to hear about the problem. I can understand your position. The wife has RA and takes Embril(sp)for it along with several other drugs. The Embril is $13500 for a year, WHOLESALE!!!!:eek: I work for insurance.

Just be careful with the AARP option. They were a big supporter of Handgun Control a few years back. Check before you buy they might have changed their position.
Good point about AARP, dunno about their politics. I just recently switched my mother-in-law from that to Tricare For Life, http://www.tricare.osd.mil/tfl/
They serve military retirees (whatever reason) and their spouseswho are over 65. However, you have to enroll in DEERS first. I think CHAMVA For Life is a similar program, and both are free to vets and I believe both have a prescription drug benefit.



The correct answer will probably be a long one. I'm travelling on Friday, but if you are going to be home tomorrow, send your phone number to me and I'll give you a call.

Basically, all Medicare indemnity plans, by law, have defined benefits, lettered from A to J (I think J is the highest), with A having the least amount of coverage and J the most. Maybe these days they go over J, but when I used to work in the industry, J was it.

If you are looking at Medigap, it would help to know what level of coverage we're talking about, and with who.

Don't hesitate to ask your State DOI (Division of Insurance) questions, they often have great web pages.

I'm not an expert, but am somewhat familiar with Medicare. I used to work in the actuarial department for a large health insurance company, but it's been a while. As a general comment, it probably would be a good idea, especially if your meds are that expensive. They aren't going to get any cheaper, I can guarantee that!

I'll be happy to answer any questions here, but if they get personal, feel free to shoot me an email, as always!
Originally posted by swede79

The correct answer will probably be a long one. I'm travelling on Friday, but if you are going to be home tomorrow, send your phone number to me and I'll give you a call.

I'll be happy to answer any questions here, but if they get personal, feel free to shoot me an email, as always!

Swede you will soon have e-mail!!!! And thanks!!!!

Thanks to all who've answered so far and if you think of anything, no matter how far off the wall please post it as it will be much appreciated!!!!

Dan there's things you should start getting ready for now even if you're ten years out.
Anything having to do with the US Gubbiment is full of Red Tape!!!!

Hopefully I will have a 62 day window open that I can change over without any pre-existing problems having a bearing on my insurance because I've been on SSDI from the beginning!!!!
Had I of been on regular SSI instead of the Disability I would be basically screwed!!!!
And not only with the insurance, but the amount of "take home pay" each and every month.
I figure that my generation is getting close to the last that will see any benefits and I'm wondering if the Social Security System will last even as long as Barb and I do.
Even in all of my mis-fortune I am very fortunate.:)

The God(s) Do Work in Mysterious Ways!!!!:D
grr. just lost a long post.

ok. Some drug companies will provide free meds to people depending on income level, insurance, etc. Worth checking into...a write-off for them...not charity.

some states have supplemental programs for meds for residents, but most have been cut or eliminated in budget controls...the non-political-donor segment of citizenry gets the budget cuts first.

Happy Trails.
Originally posted by Kismet
grr. just lost a long post.

ok. Some drug companies will provide free meds to people depending on income level, insurance, etc. Worth checking into...a write-off for them...not charity.

Happy Trails.

I thought I had lost the post I made before this one, but it did go through after all.
It's the first one I hadn't copied in a long time too, gave me a reminedr to always hit control and "c" before posting.:rolleyes:

Kis, I'm aware of the free drugs some companies offer, but those are usually for specific mainstream medical problems and are a marvelous service to those who can use them.
Unfortunately there isn't anything in the way of high powered pain relief like I need offered and I can only begin to imagine the logistics of any such program!!!!:eek:

But thanks for the info anyway, all is valued!!!!:D
a neighbor friend has a degenerative nerve disease and is getting free oxycontin (sp?) a heavy-duty pain med. It is a matter of asking your Doctor for the form, filling it out, and sending it in...actually quite simple in the way of things in the world today.

I hope you find ease...and peace from the pain.