October NJKCA

Dec 1, 2001
It's not Blade but we have fun! :D They say 'variety is the spice of life' and we had all kinds of variety...


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Here's some more of our madness!


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Little gremlin and last but not least... #1.


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Someone better have taken a pic of LaBella. I need some good PhotoShop material. :D
K.V. Collucci said:
Someone better have taken a pic of LaBella. I need some good PhotoShop material. :D


youre a sweetheart! how is my hijack this log doing, buddy! :D :)

who brought that great big wooden chest? :p
well hes HUGE in my eyes! :heart: :D

another good time was had by all!
I refuse to post that picture of Ron drinking a bottle of beer & shooting it out his nose! At least he did keep the spray off the knives! :rolleyes:

Esav...just realized I didn't get you in any pixs but then I see you were surrounded by members while you were giving the knife sharpening lessons...good job! ;)
...And there was another woman there!

Amazing! :D

Tara couldn't make it to this'n (she was dogsick), but she's gonna try to make the November meeting.
That's OK, Gary, I know what I look like :)

I'm sorry Tara wasn't feeling up to it. The last time I went to my doctor with complaints, HE was sick, too ... lots of sympathy! :(

We have another thread going on just now that indicates many women may feel even more discriminated against for carrying knives than men do -- but a lot of other women couldn't care less about ignorant people's opinions.

They are all welcome to come to the meetings!
LaBella said:
another good time was had by all!
Except me. (Stupid, well paying, excellent job. :grumpy: )
Esav Benyamin said:
I'm sorry Tara wasn't feeling up to it.

She was in _really_ bad shape. Significantly better now, though.

Esav Benyamin said:
We have another thread going on just now that indicates many women may feel even more discriminated against for carrying knives than men do -- but a lot of other women couldn't care less about ignorant people's opinions.

They are all welcome to come to the meetings!

And the user "drownedmagenta" in that thread is our very own Danielle, NJCKA #35. Now we just gotta get Genevieve registered... :D

One of the things Genn and Danielle really appreciated about their first NJKCA meeting was the fact that they didn't get the "you're a _girl_? And you like _knives_?!" reaction from y'all. Female knife nuts tend to get treated like freaks by normals, and get a condescending attitude from macho knife guys (who often know much less than they do :D )
Tara was dogsick, eh! Usually if I'm 'sick as a dog' it's because booze was involved... glad to hear she's feeling better! :) Everyone is always welcome to show up for the knife get-togethers.