Curses. If I were at home, I'd do it. I'm on the road at the moment, and the only knives I brought with me are my Barlow and my Pacific Salt heh. I have the two stockmen, but no peanuts/medium jacks.
I can kind of describe it from memory: the Buck Stockman (the China-made 371) has liners on the back which do not show through on the front of the knife. Each of the three blades lay straight - next to each other.
On the Case large stockman that I have, there are only two springs, with the clip and sheepsfoot occupying one end of the knife, and the spey blade the other. The latter two also share a spring. The Clip and Spey lie straight. The Sheepsfoot lies between the two, canted at an angle so it will fit. However, when opened, the blade sits almost straight. Hope this helps in the absence of pictures.