% Of Your Buying Decision From Forum?

Aug 13, 2005
QUESTION: What % of your buying decision (on average) relies upon the opinions or expertise represented in this or similar forums? Since this is a Kershaw forum, perhaps we keep to Kershaw and possibly a few competitive brands (unnamed) that might be luring you.
I would say that this forum has more of an impact on my buying order that which knives I actually buy. My want list is long and it gets juggled around alot but I have been doing pretty well at ticking knives off the list much to the chagrin of my significant other. As for competitive brands, I see how fanatical people are about Spyderco's over in their corner of BF, but I am repeatedly let down everytime I buy the hype and get one. I suppose I am just spoiled on knives with actual liners and adjustable blade tension. Finally, as everyone here knows there is no substitute for the real deal Speed Safe.
100% on my last 2. The JYD and Needs Work.
The rest I bought before joining BF's.
So for the most part it's been hands on experience.
Nothing but Kershaws here since the Random Task in 98.