Oh my word!!! Grail coming!!!

atony obviously got his hands on a fatty. no, really I'm just guessing but I'm right, right?

Did. Gave one away as an xmas gift. :thumbup:

I like this game.

Ok. I'm gonna go with either a Firetac or a Flame. Both very much grail material and both full Ti.

Ding ding ding..... I'm not saying what yet though, oh and add me to your Christmas list for next year will ya.:D

It's probably the ti scale that Rick made for me a few weeks ago for my 3.5. He made a couple extra.

I've been bugging Rob for awhile to get Rick to make a few tumbled Ti scales. Or a scale that would repace both the scale and liner, that would be fantastic.
Ding ding ding..... I'm not saying what yet though, oh and add me to your Christmas list for next year will ya.:D

I've been bugging Rob for awhile to get Rick to make a few tumbled Ti scales. Or a scale that would repace both the scale and liner, that would be fantastic.

Scot should try to make a Ti scale in February. I'll watch. Hopefully he doesn't lose a couple of fingers. Really. Hopefully he doesn't. :rolleyes:

Well today was a good day for all things Hinderer at my house, got a couple goodies.

CTS-XHP 3.5'' XM-18




And then there was this guy that showed up as well.

Gen2 Flame, all Ti and oh so smooth.



