Oh No! My wife found my Ballistol

Nov 27, 1999
After Max posted about Ballistol, my wife realized I had used it on a new table I built for her. This is clean for Thanksgiving weekend and she went in MY shop and Found my gallon of Ballistol.

She has been using it like Pledge! :grumpy:

She even used it on the wide plank floors! :eek: :eek: :eek:

This is almost grounds for divorce! :footinmou
When you get your next can keep the old one with just a little in it. Keep the new can hidden. ;).
Don, if she's going to use it like that you need to mix her up some of that paste wax I told you about. 50/50 beeswax ballistol. I know that complicates things but she'll love you for it. And then you can 'borrow' some for your black powder needs and let her see how it feels! :D
I know how imbarrassed you must feel Peter. Once my wife found my Playboy magazine! BTW what is a Ballistoll? :eek:
If you've never used Ballistol, your in for a wonderful suprise Bruce.
Here is the website:

There are very few things it won't do.

In addition to a great lubricant and rust preventor, it works beautifully on wood. It soaks in deeper than any oil I've ever used and is very good as a deep base for a finish like Teak or Linseet or ....POly :barf:

Or just by itself. I use so much of it I had my company made a distributor so I could get it wholesale.
Oh :footinmou I was way off. Im still on meds from surgery.

Looks like good stuff for sure. It wont replace that old Playboy but how do you buy it in the gallon?