Oh The Power!

Mar 28, 2001
I got introduced to Busse Combat Knives about eight months ago, when one of the guys I worked with showed me a picture of a Battle Mistress in a catalog. I looked at the price of the knife and said DAMN!! But of course it was love at first sight. So I consiquently spent the next few weeks researching the knives and company to figure out what it was all about. As I was researching Busse Combat I kept seeing links to BladeForums and so finally I ended up here where until now I have been a silent watcher. But after owning the knives and watching the discussions, I felt the need to get my feet wet. Oh Yah! I popped my cherry! This is my first post!
Jerry makes one HELL of a product and I have nothing negative to say about the company or the service provided by them.
I am the owner of a Battle Mistress E, a Basic 5 with a combo edge a Natural Outlaw E, and I have a Steel Heart E on route from the Busse camp.
Every time I hold the Battle Mistress there are definetly some primal urges flowing. But don't tell my therapist!

Congratulations on you Busses and welcome to the Busse Forum. I'm honored you decided to pop your cherry here!

About the primal urges (and soon you will have an urge for more Busses that will be just as strong, if not stronger): they get to the best of us (thank goodness!).
Welcome aboard!

Just a note of caution, if you start getting offers from some of these guys to "Babysit" your knives while you're out of town. . . or emails that state, "Hey, I'd be willing to give your Busse knives a good beating for you". . . You may want to think twice about it. It's not that you can't trust these guys, it's just that . . . well, no I take that back. . . .You can't trust them!

Welcome to our nuclear neighborhood,

Jerry Busse

[This message has been edited by Jerry Busse (edited 04-14-2001).]