Oh yeah another Question!

Aug 2, 2000
What do you guys think of the combo blades, half serrated half plain? Or all serrated? I think it is a good idea on some knives, but for me if a knife has a half and half or full serrated I just pass it on by. It does not appeal to my eye, nor do i as a knife user feel that most people NEED a serration on their blade.

Comments? Rants, Raves??



Custom Knife Purveyor
Circle P Knives
Personally I hate combo blades. Actually I'm not too crazy about serrated blades either. With combo edges it seems you have the worst of both worlds. Take a look in the FAQ's, there are some good articles by Joe Talmadge on blade shapes and sharpening, they should offer some insight on combo edges.

A Pat on the Back is only a few inches from a Kick in the Butt.
I just don't like the way they look. The serrations do serve a purpose, but I don't find that I need them to cut the things I cut.

Plain blade. Combo edges don't have enough of one or the other. Fully serrated blades have their place, however. For me, that means in the kitchen on bread knives. If I needed to be able to cut a lot rope quickly, I would consider a fully serrated blade. Combo edges are abominations designed to appeal to those who throw knives away when they get dull.

Paracelsus, plain person
The only combo serrated blades that I have are my 4 Cold Steel Gunsite folders.

I would rather that they were all plain-edge, but that's just the way it is. (Yah, I DO know that the plain-edged Tanto Voyagers are "ALMOST" the "same" as the Gunsites, but they just AREN'T the same...).

Dann Fassnacht
Aberdeen, WA
ICQ# 53675663
Serrations do a great job at tearing things, but I'm into cutting things.

Plain edge knives are the way I go.

--The Raptor--
Whoa! Dissenting opinion coming your way! I love my Stryker with its combo edge. Why? Because all those little serrations mean I've always got a great chance of finding a really, really sharp place on my blade. I use my Stryker daily. It requires constant resharpening. When that straight portion of my Stryker has gone dull, it's up to the serrated part to do precise slicing. When I splice network cabling or strip wires, its the little serration grooves to the rescue. I've sharpened the straight edge probably 50 or so times and I've sent it in on Life Sharp twice. The serrated part has never been sharpened, and you can actually see that the teeth are worn down...but dang that sucker is still razor sharp!!!

As far as tearing goes. Yes, you don't get the nice clean cut you get with a straight. However, if any of you have ever tried to cut something with a dull straight, you know it's pointless. That's when the serrated comes to the rescue.

I used to think about combo blades the way yall do, until I made one my daily carry. Now, I won't go with any other type of blade for a daily carry folder. Give me the best of both worlds!

Stay back! or I'll...OUCH...cut myself.
Sorry man, we've got you out numbered and outgunned(knived?) You're gonna have to give up your combo blade or leave this thread ;-)

I respect each man to there opinion except when it's not MINE ;-)

I still say the disparity of the 2 edges on one knife are a bit much for me. Now if I was an EMT maybe, then I'd want a full blown rescue blade full serrations. Other than that give me a plain jane edge any day!


Custom Knife Purveyor
Circle P Knives
I began liking fully serrated blades, then went half serrated now go for plain edges. The reason? A plain edge will do everything a serrated edge will not. A plain edge will still do well in areas a serrated edge excel at.

I find a serrated edge easyer to sharpen than a plain edge! However, I think a serrated edge is rather limiting for me.

Great on my Seahawk and Endura II!!!

But neither are daily carries any more.


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I'm personally not really fond of serrations, usually more of a pain in the butt than they're worth. on the combo blades I feel that the any advantage gained by serrations or a plain edge are lost. although a well designed and maintained fully serrated edge can be real nice in a limited number of circumstances. the Spyderco Rescue seems like darn near a standard issue item with alot of the EMT's/Paramedics I work with, and I gotta admit, Spyderco serrations are AWESOME, but the thing is about 90% of them aren't maintained thusly allowing the plain edge on the safety tipped blade on my Buck Selector to outperform them. of course what really sucks is when we stand around and discuss the best emergency knives and then watch someone cut through a seatbelt, or expose a wound through thick heavy garments with either a $3.50 pair of Trauma Shears or a $3.00 seat belt cutter....kinda makes a fella feel silly for that high priced folder in his hip pocket.
One of the reasons I never looked much at Spydercos was because I associated them with serrations. Plain only please. I meant they do call it the "Spyder-edge".

Recently I traded for a Calypso w/plain blade. I've really been missing out on a lot by not looking at Spydercos. But not any longer...

I carry all 3 at once

For my daily carry I like a combo blade but it has to be over 3" and no more than half serrated. They're good for cutting all the rope I cut and sawing through tough materials like PVC pipe etc. I like my plain edges to be POLISHED not toothy. They cut extremely well for push cuts and stuff but they just slide on nylon rope. The serrations will cut all the way or most of the way through a peice of rope depending on how thick and provide a start for the plain edge to push through. Thats for my main use folder. I also carry a multi tool that has a fully plain edge and a fuly serrated edge for other stuff. I think I'll swap out the fully serrated edge for a saw blade when I get a new one. My Gerber 600 has some wear left in it though ( actually lots

I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer... but I've got the sharpest knife in the room.
Serrations don't do much for me either. I don't mind some combo blades if the blade is sufficiently long enough that I have some decent straight edge. My miniAFCK is partially serrated and it's not too bad. One of my Wegner Jrs is also PS and the serrations take up so much of the blade that I don't particularly like it.

One thing I use serations for is for knicking bone on small game. A quick swipe with a serrated edge usually allows me to then snap the bone fairly cleanly. In general, though, I just avoid serrations.


I get some pleasure from finding a relentlessly peaceful use for a combative looking knife.
i used to like combo blade for their aesthetics, but when i really got into using knives for work i realized combo blades on anything smaller than 3.5 inches or where the serrations only cover 1 inch or less, are useless. i had a CRKT M16-11F (carbon fiber handle) that had a really short length of serrarions which just seemed to get in the way, didn't function much.
the serrations on my LCC however are great.
after reprofiling them they cut (or you could say neatly tear) like crazy and i like the blade to grab onto the material on the initial part of the cut, makes it a lot easier. it's also easier to cut cloth and rope because the plain part of the blade will just slip off.
i think it all depends on the blade shape (recurved blades don't need serrations IMO, and don't need serrations on anything less than 3 inches unless it's full serrated) and what you plan to do with your knife.

the crazied knife weilding Sarah McLachlan fan =)
My first real knife was a serrated endura. I have grown to prefer plain edge knives. Although I do like Spyderco serrations over any other if I need them. Combo blades, depends on the knife. Probably not.