OK, Fess up, whose lists are you on?

Feb 27, 2003
In alphabetical order: Begg, Cashen, Crowell, Fitch, McIntyre, Newton, Wheeler:eek: . Mostly Bowies & Fighters
Plus Don Fogg, who does not have a list, but just happened to have one of his little shivs :cool: in the works, when I asked about one.
Best I can remember,(in no particular order) John Fitch, Jerry Fisk, Ron Newton, Roger Massey, Kevin Cashen, Russ Andrews, Nick Wheeler, Jason Knight, R.J. Martin, Scott Cook, Don Hanson III, Mike Connor, Matt Lamey, Harvey Dean, Terry Primos, Jerry Hossom. I'm sure there are others I cannot remember right now. ;) :)

Edited, as I think of more names. :)
Ray Kirk(M.S. test dagger), Bailey Bradshaw, Van Barnett, Dellana and Van Barnett (a collaboration), Nick Wheeler(M.S. test dagger), Tim Herman, Darrel Ralph(M.S. test dagger), Jerry Fisk, Sava Damlovac(big surprise here since I have had knives on order with Sava since I met him.), Joel Chamblin, Jason Knight (M.S. test dagger), Tony Bose, John Perry (M.S. test dagger), Matt Lamay, John Fitch, Joe Kios, Richard Rogers -(kind of a list).

Plus a few more projects that have been discussed, but not quite in que yet (Kit Carson, Ron Newton, David Broadwell). I have to pay for some of the ones above before I firm the order up. :).

Folks I want to talk to about getting in line when I see daylight :D. Eugene Shadley, Vince Evans, Bruce Bump, Stephen Rapp, Jay Hendrickson, Larry Fuegen, Ed Caffery, Mike and Audra Draper (although if they ever do a collaboration - it's mine.), Mike Williams, Tim Foster, Don Fogg, and Aubrey Barnes.

I better quit talking to these folks.:eek:
I had such a blast at BLADE this past year that I said I wouldn't order many knives over the next year so that I had more cash to buy some things that catch my eye at the show. Yeah, right :rolleyes: I have actually done pretty well and am only waiting on knives from Ray Kirk, Roger Massey and a couple from Nick Wheeler.
Nick Wheeler, Don Fogg (well, it's not exactly a list), Kevin Cashen, Rob Hudson, Rob Brown.

Edited to add Terry Primos, whom I had forgotten. I also have 2 Jpz-style blades (katana and tanto) from Howard Clark currently being polished and mounted (yes, very carefully.)
Hopefully they don't all hit at the same time, but so far...
Neil Blackwood, Rick Hinderer, Scott Cook, Ferret
Bill Burke, Bob Dozier. Two days ago the mailman brought me a Joel Chamblin English lock back ordered about 6 or 7 months ago. (It is very sweet)
Boguszewski, Blackwood (2), Carson, Chew (2), Hossom, Mayo, Obenauf, Primos, Ruple, Tomes, Williams
Right now I have orders with: Ron Newton (2 knives), Jerry Fisk, Roger Massey and one that should be on its way any day from John Fitch.
Here are mine: Russ Andrews, Bailey Bradshaw, Craig Camerer, Dan Farr, Jerry Fisk, Ron Newton. This is an interesting thread. For one thing, it has reminded me that I'm not on Roger Massey's list - something I intend to rectify.


I have no idea what order these knives will be coming in, but I do have knives on order with;
Max Burnett
Kit Carson
J.W. Smith
P.J. Tomes
Well, my list is unfortunately short... I have two coming from Craig Camerer any minute now, and Terry Primos will be making me one of his usual pieces of beauty hopefully within the month. Then I gotta plot my next moves.... or snag some of Danbo's collection!;)
Actually no one's right now, although Dave Beck has one of my designs and I just need to save my pennies until I have enough for him to make it. I'm on my own list, does that count? I'm making myself what I call a "Modern Nessmuk" from O1 and Micarta. Shuld be interesting.

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