Ok, I broke down and ordered TWO Benchmade knives just now

Feb 24, 2001
Hi everyone. The purpose of this post is not so much to gloat but to decompress from my current exhilarated state... I just came back from the KnifeCenter website where I ordered myself a Benchmade BM100SH2O (H-1 Steel Dive Knife) and a Benchmade BM800 (AFCK Titanium Liner Lock, Plain Blade).

This is something I had been considering for a while, actually; and I really wanted a Benchmade fixed-blade knife, so now one is on its way. :D

I see a LOT of posts here about various Benchmade knives, raving about this model or that one. Many times I see a glowing endorsement of a given model, and then I go to view it and find out it's a *thumbstud* opener and I say, "Ohhh..." See, I do not own a thumbstud knife, because I don't care for them. Opening a knife with a thumbstud just never feels right for me. Instead, I am smitten with the blade hole.

Anyway, I remain curious about what people think of this purchase. Who approves, who disapproves, who thinks I should have gone with X model or Y model, etc.? I have to admit I usually favor a combo blade, but something looks so... uh, sexy(?) about a smooth-edged Benchmade knife. (Besides, I have enough combo Spyderco Delicas to last me a long time.)

The AFCK is a wonderful knife. Hope you enjoy yours as much as I did mine. Carried it for several years, and now one of my coworkers has it. I had to go try all kind of new and different stuff after finding this place, but wouldn't complain one bit about going back to my old AFCK.
Don't know about the other one, other than that it looks pretty :cool:
I think you will enjoy the 100SH2O....good design, great corrosion resistance, good sheath.

BTW: I am getting a kydex sheath for that old Tekna...did some work on the blade and it is sweet.

Who wouldn't approve? I mean, unless you sold your neighbor's stereo to pay for it.

I like the newer AFCK better, but I'm right-hand challenged. The 800 is beauty and I think you'll enjoy it immensely.

The 100SH2O looks cool, too.

I hope they provide you with years of cutting goodness.
Hey! Where IS my stereo?

Enjoy those new knives and let us know how you like them when they get to you.
Thanks for all the well-wishes.

Of course, since they're both Benchmade knives, I'll be thrilled with them. I have no doubts.

Typical, though: the 100SH2O is out of stock and backordered from KnifeCenter, so it'll be "7 to 10 days" before it ships to me. (The woman on the phone was pleasant and said that it often is less than that, and since there was demand on these knives, they were already on back order. That should speed things up.)

Someone mentioned a "newer" 800 and I am wondering what the difference is? New blade steel? Argh, I don't even remember what the steel is in the one I ordered. I think it's ATS-34.

Well, I'll surely be back to beam about my new knives once they arrive. Thanks again!
Hey, it's these little binges that make life worth living. Nice picks, I think that the AFCK will be your fave though. I carried a mini for a while and it was great. I need to buy another someday.
Let me tell you what happen when I orded a benchmade. I bought two more while a was waiting for it to come in. I ordered a Nimravus for work and when I went to see if it was in I bought a 3550. I just had to have an auto. So another day goes by and I stopped to see if the Nimravus was in yet. No, but the owner had a pro-production benchmite 310 on his desk and I had to have it. Now that my Nimravus is in I love it but I feel an itch to buy another knife. First one to recommend a benchmade folder they think I should have post your thoughts and I'll go get one. I can't make the decission on my own.