OK Rumor is no longer - There will be a Microtech Bali-Song and I am the mystery man

Balilover and Ep79 have a very good point. If this knife latches open and/or closed, then it will fall onder the switchblade and/or gravity knife laws. If it did that, then it would be illegal in most states. In other words, if it does that and can't be sold legaly, then we don't get the chance to buy it, and MT losses a vast amount of money!

The idea of user changable blades sounds good on paper, but that would shorten the overall life of the knife, regardless of what matterials or used. But then again, who says that we HAVE to change the blade? So I would like to see that option kept open. That way if something is broken, it can be replaced fast and cheap. BTW, you have to make every single peace available seperatly, from the blade, to the handles, to the latch, and latch pin. Handle pins and washers could come in a kit though. (Might as well replace both at the same time!)

To solve the latch problem, a very minor change to the basic latch, would let be taken out and switched to the other handle. let the latch its self be switchable, and we will not have to touch the integrity of the handles, or mess with washers.

Someone metioned movable counter balances for the different blades. I think that with the proper blade design, that would not be an issue. And if it were, having interchangable inserts of different matterials would solve it.

And finaly, whoever came up with the idea of shims was 100% on target. I hear of people "adjusting" the handles by pounding the forks tighter. Whenever you bend a peice of metal, it becomes weaker. Shim washers solve this problem wounderfully.

Just my .02, but I think a lot of people would agree.

Can't wait to see prototypes!
Well, it's just a thought, but would it be possible to offer a trainer blade (ie dull blade and point)?

Count me in for at least two bali's, and most if not all the blade styles

You could also offer an unassembled bali kit, so that people living in countries or states where balisong are illegal could order them without problems.

And about the removable inserts, we should wait and see what MT comes up with, and whine about them or praise them later
I had another thought...

You could make the butt (hope this is right) of the balisong pointy, so you could use it more effectively closed. So instead of bruising someone you could realy hurt them without opening your knife
Actually, BaliDude, that's what the tang end is for.
That way you have one square end and one pointy end.
For what it is worth, I really don't like the idea of interchangeable blades or a wide variety of inserts. I would rather see them spend the money making many different types of blades. Wouldn't you all rather have 5 or 6 Balis each with your favorite blade instead of 1 Bali and a bunch of blades? I would REALLY like to see them make as many different blade designs as they can. i. e. everything in the back of the Advanced Balisong Manual.

(edited for grammar)
Doubt is an uncomfortable condition,
but certainty is a ridiculous one.

[This message has been edited by Random (edited 04-03-2001).]
I'd love to put my hand on a balisong from MT, even if any feature is added. But if I can get a bali from MT, I'd expect a quality as a folding knife.

All current balisongs, including BM's, give me some cheap feeling than other folding knives. There's play, and rattle!
I know a balisong is rock sturdy, and no play IF latched. But when we play with a bali, most of time it is unlatched, so it rattles. Adequate momentum and proper centrifugal force can reduce the rattle, but anyways you turn your wrist, causing a short rattle every time.
If MT can produce a bali with no play at any handle / blade position, I'd be most impressed by the quality.
I don't have good ideas except applying bearings into pivot pins. Ball bearings will work, thrust bearings will be better, tapered roller bearings in the place of spacers is what I can think of by my best imagination.
This feature will require a sheer preciseness, may void disassembl-a-bility, but it seems to me a fair deal for performance, and good feel in hand.

Otokohadaremo yumenofunanori.
Shonennohinoakogare shinutokimade wasurezunidaiterumonodayo.
I want one !

But please don't remove the latch! How can I flip the bali if you do ?
If you remove it, please add some other way to see and feel which handle is the bite/safe handle !!

Balisong Sweden
Something I have been working on for a Bali is a "Half-Latch" system.

Basically, on the safe handle you have a oval shaped hole with an open top (__) (Like that, kinda.) in the butt end of the handle.

The latch is cut to just over 1/2 the usual distance, and has a rod through the end, with thumb studs on either end of the rod. The rod slips into the notch on the safe handle and is held in place by the slope of the ) shape.
Latch is kind of like this...

\ /

It maintains a nice pressure on the pin for solid latching, easy, cheap to make yet it reduces the interference of the latch while the Bali is in operation. The "Side latching" system may take some getting used to for old hacks, but I think it will be less likely to be opened by shoving in a pocket and such.

Latched when you want it, out of the way when you don't. :)

(PS. you said you didn't want diagrams in this thread, let me know and I can email you the tech drawing I have.)

[This message has been edited by TroyO (edited 04-03-2001).]
Needle bearing pivots.
Polished carbide pins.
Close tolerance/press fit.
Machined one piece steel handles.
Like your latch idea.
Making a bali with interchangeable inserts is a bad thing, remember these balisongs are going to be dropped....a lot! The inserts would just fall out or shatter on impact.

What's the problem with keeping the latch the same way as it is on all balisongs?

A HALO III blade style would be awesome!!!
I like the idea of interchangeable blades but don't know how well the pins hold, especially if they were continuously taken apart.
Polished pins look awesome but aren't good if the pins are going to be dismantled and reassembled often.

Do the handles have to be made of Ti??
I love the feel of ss but my 42's handles still look in great condition (considering what they've been through
) and the 42 has really good weight (even with the Ti handles).

Make sure it comes with a good sheath, not the crap BM has right now.

Make it affordable, under $200 sounds good but think of how many MT will sell if it is less expensive than the 42 (but equal or higher quality)!!

Keep the bali simple, it's not like other folders that have 20 different locking capabilities or choices, the bali is simple in design so it's good to keep it that way.

Good luck Mike and MT!!!! I look forward to seeing what you guys put out and I hope to get one (or more).

Please keep us all up-to-date. Thanks.


"And shepards we shall be, for thee my Lord for thee, power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command, so we shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be, En Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti"
A few of my balisongs
My Photopoint album
edit: double post

BTW, what if the handles were a little thicker than the 42's but thinner than a Jag's, of course the handles would be Ti (which I do love BTW, I like ss a lot also).

Thanks, I can hardly wait

[This message has been edited by BalisongMan (edited 04-03-2001).]
You know the shims (brass thrush bearings) would not only keep them tight, it would keep the miltech 1 in. ie....less wear, quiet operation, longer life, tighter knife for ever. And isn't that what we all want?! Chuck H.
Yes, Ep79 you are exactly right!!! Ti with thicker walls. Meatier feel. Hi tech weight! Excellent ideal!


Sabo 29
"Catch you on the flip side"!
Damn and when I wen to work there was only one page of postings. Mike can I put in an order now I want to beat dawkid :) Actually I think that some of the permenent magnets might work well especitaly if handels are non magnetic. BTW isn't the halo blade skelentonized ?

I'm not real crazy about interchangeable blades or inserts, because of the wear & tear. Considering MT's high quality, I'm sure it will probably hold up pretty well!
I'd like to see something similar to the Nemesis blade style with a combo edge and of course a kris style. If the latch is to be removable, I'd like to see a pocket clip that is low profile(for easier manipulation). It could be attached on either handle using the removable latch hole.
I can't wait to see what you guys come up with!
Mad scientist, hate to tell you but the magnetic bali latch is already patented. I looked it up while doing the pattent search for my latch design's provisional. Besides, I think magnets would tend to want to latch while operating.

MT could always work out some royalty deal with the inventor, but that's a pain in the butt. Wish it was my patent, hehe... I would sell cheap, like 2 of the resulting knives. ;-P

Great idea about the changeable blades. Taking this idea a bit further, how about six different types of blades with six types of metals. For example, VG10, D2, ATS-34, CPM440V, AUS8, and talonite.

Pushing it even further still: How about six different kinds of handle materials?

You guess it - Micarta, G10, Stag, Buffalo Horn, Ivory, Cocobolo, etc. And then, different colours too.

The rationale behind these suggestions is to give the Balisong collector a complete set of SIX different types of balisongs which he can set up for himself. With the numerous combinations of blade types and handle materials and the various colours, the Balisong man would have endless hours of pleasure.

With the high grade materials and precision engineering that goes into the making of Balisong by Microtech's technology, I figure almost every collector will eventually want the full set of six.

As for the pricing, well, we can discuss it later. But knowing Microtech, they would be quite reasonable. Afterall, volume in sales more than make up for that fantastic profit margin.

Make Love your strongest weapon. Compassion your shield and forgiveness your armour.
My needs are bit simpler

I would like a thin edge and point plastic protector, something that I could snap on whenever I get brave enough to practice
