Okay Guys, I'm hooked! lead me in the right direction.

Feb 14, 2002
Howdy fellas...

A week or so ago, I responded to a post by searching for another knifemakers info and found myself in this Busse forum... I am very glad that I did... Jerry was very understanding of my error. At that time I had read about Busse knives, but had never had the opportunity to actually handle one. A few days ago, I got 'fondle' one... WOW!!! what a solid knife.. I don't know the model , but that was a quality blade by anyone's definition.

Now last time I posted here, Jerry responded that there may a blade coming available sometime that would fit MY usage... I am an upland bird hunter/ trout and salmon fisher.

It really kind of piqued my interest that a few people were very interested in Jerry's response, and one poster remarked I should keep it up to see if I could gleen any info about a folder...

SO... Jerry, if you read this.... I felt one of your knives in my hands... it was beautiful... I imagine if (hopefully not IF, but WHEN) you all make a folder... I'll certainly snap one up in a heartbeat... I plan on purchasing one of you fixed blades as soon as I can... after examining my buddy's, I now understand the fervor. too cool.

Welcome aboard, glad you stopped back by. :D:D

There are new models that should soon be announced, hopefully some of those will be aimed towards the hunter and fisherman.
The Satin Jack is another Busse you may want to consider, it may be a little long for your needs but then again if you don't want to wait ;):D

The folder prototype has been rumored to be in existence for quite some time and Jerry has just been working out the bugs, hopefully soon we will no more.. Right now all we can gleam from him is that it most likely folds, although with Jerry's innovative mind that isn't even a given. :D:D

I'm sure some others will be along soon to give you some recommendations.
Get an Assault Shaker (or Pepper Shaker) for now and you'll be hooked.

I got back into the blade thing with Sebenzas a couple of monthes ago in a fairly significant way. I am now "sorry" to say that the Busse has just as much allure as the Sebbie. I just got my first two Busse in hand with the Assault Shakers that I bought from another Forumite, and expect my ZT Battle Mistress tomorrow. Once you get started, there is no turning back. I concur that you consider an Assault Shaker as your first try, but I am afraid that there are a lot more on the Horizon. I am seriously looking at adding a LE Satin Jack to my order for a Paul's Hatchet and the Nuclear Steel Heart Variant. Right now my anticipated lightweight carry combo is a Sebenza and Paul's Hatchet, but the Satin Jack looks awfully tempting.:rolleyes:
Hey guys... thanks for the replies...

Eric, I appreciate your welcome... and Raindrop, I totally understand the addiction now... thanks to you (dammit man... I am spending more money and trading more things that I own(ed)... but.. this is a good thing I feel. :) Thanks Greg!)

I think for now, I'm gonna get an Aussault Shaker... I just need to find one, I think a trade for one will not be possible , as I have narrowed down my collection to only Spyderco's - for mass produced blades (Call me Stupid and slap me, but every Spyderco I have owned have been top quality for the price), and a few slip-joints.

My others, I plan on passing down to my kids, so will never trade 'em.

Can anyone let me know the best place to purchase one? I live in Blaine, WA... about 110 miles north of Seattle, literally right on the border of Canada (I can ACTUALLY toss a Stone into Canada from my back porch) So if there are any Vendors available in Vancouver, BC, that would be great. With the exchange rate, plus the fact that there would be no PST or GST (Canadian taxes) since I'm an American....I would get a great deal. I am not sure I would be able to get one across the border, though.. I'll have to look into that.

OK, I'm rambling... Just wanted to say I look forward to my first Busse... I figure you can do most anything with a large blade that you can do with a smaller one, but not vice-versa.

Plus, I love the NAMES of the knives. Who comes up with them? I work for a Micro-Brewery part time in sales, and have had the pleasure of naming some of our beers... but the names of Busse knives just take the cake. Thanks for reading, fellas. And thanks for the warm welcome.

Welcome to the forums, although yyou should have been warned these knives are an addiction.:D Once you have one you will want more.
The West Coast Distributor is Andre Dumochel (sp?)"Papathud" on these forums. He is a great guy and should be able to hook you up with most anything you want.
Enjoy the forums and knives.

Yours in INFI addiction,

Welcome back Iverson!:D

The Assault Shaker is mean piece of steel! Let us know when you get one. As far as getting an AS and follow up Busses, check with the shop (419-923-6471) and they may have a way to get you a fix:D
Well get ready to drain your account and max your Visa. Start easy. The AS was a good suggestion. By the end of the year you too can live in a refridgerator box. But you will have some great knives. :) EC
Originally posted by Iverson

Plus, I love the NAMES of the knives. Who comes up with them? I work for a Micro-Brewery part time in sales, and have had the pleasure of naming some of our beers... but the names of Busse knives just take the cake.

From what I understand Jennifer Busse is an expert at the naming, however, if you stick around here long enough Jerry may ask us for help on this. Ever so often Jerry introduces a new knife without a name, he posts a picture and lets us throw out our best names. I believe it was Climber that named the SJ(am I right here?)
The Natural Outlaw was also named on this forum.

So hopefully we'll get another crack at this, otherwise I don't know what I'll do with my 10 pages of names I've been saving up :D:D
Originally posted by Iverson
(I can ACTUALLY toss a Stone into Canada from my back porch)

That would explain all those stones in my backyard.....

No Busse vendors here that I know of...I wish there was.

This is one of the best forums I have visited... I intend to hang around... you guys are great.... hopefully someday I will have something to add to the discussions relating to Busse blades, for now, I will sit back and learn...

Originally posted by Iverson
hopefully someday I will have something to add to the discussions
relating to Busse blades

Don't worry, this has never stopped me ;):D:D

If you have questions feel free to jump in, I'm sure someone around here can answer them.
Hey, Eric... Thanks... I intend to ask MANY questions, I had the opportunity to fondle another Busse today... It had yellow in the handle...I think it was a 'killer bee' but I'm not certain (black and yellow.... looked like a bee to me... only much more beautiful.) Anyway, thanks again all of you for the great welcome!

By the way, though,.... Isaacson.... Isaacson....still pronouncing it here :) Sounds pretty Scandahoovian to me... :D If you are.. that makes two of us....!~

Great! Now we have two "Vikings" we have to keep an eye on. Thank heavens you two live on opposite ends of the continent! There's not enough beer on either end for more than one! ;)
Originally posted by Iverson
It had yellow in the handle...I think it was a 'killer bee' but I'm not certain (black and yellow.... looked like a bee to me... only much more beautiful.)
By the way, though,.... Isaacson.... Isaacson....still pronouncing it here :) Sounds pretty Scandahoovian to me... :D If you are.. that makes two of us....!~

The Black and Yellow cord wrapped knife sounds like the Killer B, unless it had a Blade catch on the top in which case it may have been one of the others from the PBF series. IF this is the case buy it, there weren't many made.

And yes, you guessed it the name Isaacson does come from one of the Scandanavian countries.

BTW sorry for the delayed response, I missed your comment the first time through. :D:D
howdy again....

I thought about actualy making my own post... but I am going to take this one step at a time... (I don't want to stick my foot in my mouth before I have a little more understanding about these fine knives.....

As I wrote earlier ... I have few questions.

Not that it would ever make difference to me... but how does one pronounce 'Busse'? Is it like Gary Busse or Jake Busse .... "BOO-SEE", or is it pronounced "BEE-YOU-SEE"?

**** Damn, I don't even own one yet, but want to sound like less of an idiot if I'm at a knife show, negotiating for one! ****

#2. Refer to question #1... my buddy who owns a Killer B does not know how to pronuce it correctly either..

#3. Is anybody gonna jump my s**t if I post a question in the main Busse Forum (being a Busse Newbie?) I feel pretty good posting here on this thread, as I have received a warm welcome... but I have not had as much luck in other places here on BFC when I was 'really new'.

Thanks again...
