Old Cattaraugus from WW II era.

May 18, 1999


I have never been a huge fan of the "Classic Kabar Style" knives and blades that even so many years after WW II still remain so popular with so many people.Just a personal preference thing I guess.

I discovered in the Knives 98 an article about the
Cattarauguus 225-Q that was used in many places and saw a lot of action in the world of "Combat Knives."
I liked the shape of the blade and the fact that the guard doesn't stick way out past the top edge.Just "my" kind of knife.

In some of the "Old War Posters" this knife is called by the company that made it "A Commando Knife."
I am kinda like the author who wrote that article as to wondering why this particular knife wasn't as popular as the "Classic Kabar."

I inquired on The Camillus forum mistakenly thinking that it was a Camillus brand knife.The guys there are as nice as Uncle Bill of the H.I forum and got me goin the right direction and even gave me a price of $75.00 or thereabouts as an expected "good price" to have to pay for one of these in good condition.

That was more than I wanted to give for one of these even if it was worth it.I found one at the G & K Show I went too here and the very first one I found I managed to get for $40.00 bucks.The fellow told me it was the "nicest one" at the show and it was indeed very nice.It wasn't the lowest price,there was one for #30.00 bucks I didn't look at,(BUT I am now kickin my big fat butt over,)
But there was another one that wasn't nearly as sweet the fellow was askin $125.00 for.

The Cattaraugus knives were made from an exceptionally well heat treated 1095 steel.So well heat treated the author thought it was an alloy steel.The nice thing is that now these old knifes have had enough time to complete any changes over the years and to convert any carbides into the final desired result.They have also stabilized and have probably reached the ultimate of what well heat treated 1095 can reach.

A couple of things I found different about these knives and please bear in mind that not being a big fan of the Classic Kabar style I don't know much about them,except they have stood the test of time and are incredibley good knives.Although I think that most if not all the Kabar types were parkerized or somehow coated.I don't know if the other thing is the same or not.

The oddest thing is that the knife came with no parkerizing,blueing,or anything.All the steel on the knives is bright and polished steel!!!
Wierd huh?
Especially for where these knives were destined to be used!!

Mine was spiffied up with Simichrome and Renasaince Wax by the fellow who sold it too me..It shows no pitting or other damage except the leather handle is now pretty much oval instead of what the shape appears in the book.

The other thing is the sheaths are made _backwards_!! Yup,_Backwards!
It is made like it would be for a southpaw and would be ideal for our "lefty" friend to wear on thier left side.However they were made to be worn on the right side or in a crossdraw position.
The author stated that the Marines of that period were taught to use the knife with the edge up for fighting.I would like to know more about this style and where it originated if possible.

I find this too be a fascinating piece of history and an excellent all around 6" blade 1 3/8" wide and a small fuller about 3/16" wide and 1 3/4" long.The blade is 0.175" or about 3/16" thick.
It has the classic stacked leather washer handle.
The sheath I have is original and a little worn,but all in all still very good condition.
I am gonna make another sheath for it as I don't like sheaths with the loop and snap retainers.

I am also gonna buy me a couple of more of these if I can find them reasonable at the next G & K Show I attend.I think there a mighty fine knife and enough different to be asked,"Whatcha got there?" except by those that are familar with them.
When I was getting ready to leave a fellow sittin behind a table asked,"Is that a Cattaraugus?" and I said,"Yup,it shore is." He then said "I got a nice one here in my case for $30,00 bucks." Kick<Kick<Kick>Kick!!!

Perhaps that's another reason I like the Khukuri so much is that it is different.And some people can even recognize a good one.

I don't know how many of y'all are interested in the old knives,but it seems that many of you are interested in the Kabars and such of yesteryear.I sure wouldn't want to take any sales from our dealers on the forums that sell the new Kabars and Camillus.

I can tell everyone here that I am going to purchase a new Camillus fixed blade of the old era and also at least one of those new celluloid tortiseshell slipjoint folders just because of the way I was treated in thier forum.


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Khukuri FAQ

>>He then said "I got a nice one here in my case for $30,00 bucks." KickKick!!!

I don't think you are going to have any problem finding all the Cattarauguus knives that you would ever want. I was told by the old timers that first taught me about knives that Cattarauguus was a very popular knife among collectors. But the next generation never really picked up that passion. So there are most likely a lot of them out there, and not all that many people wanting them, making it a buyers market. At least for now. My suggestion is that it is a good investment, because its a good knife and eventually people will figure that out and start to buy them again. Esp. sense there are a growing number of Military collectors out there. They got all the guns they seem to be able to get, and now are going after knives and other wartime relics from the past. They are paying a regular price for it now, but a lot of people feel that if our economy were ever to weaken, that it would strengthen the military collectable market.

So, if a knife was worth $70 at one time, and the value is down on them to where you can get them for $30, why not? Chances are good, that the day well come, that they well be again worth $70 and it well have been a good investment for you. Like I said, I invest in good knives, because I think someday people are going to come to their senses as to what is junk and what is good, and the market will take off on the good ones.

The Kabars I have seen, look to be good knives to me. Of course all I ever get to see is whatever bones they throw my way in the way of specials. But I did pick up some Kabar Gift knives, a gent and a swiss style. They looked real good to me, and I did good with them.

The current Camillus folding military knives from what I have seen are indeed very good knives, not fancy, but strong, and dependable. The one item you would need, if you had nothing else. A knife you could most likly trust, if your life depended upon it. The are a tiny bit heavy, but very compact and not bulky at all. They make one with that Tanto blade that more and more young people have been asking for lately.
Thanks, JohnR7