Old M43 on ebay

ARRGH. Not only do I double post, it was supposed to start a new thread. Gnashing and grinding of teeth!!!:p
I was looking at the M43 thread, and had to go check mine out. Next to it was a 15" Sirupati rehandled by Pala, and back near where the computer sits is a 19" village Sirupati, an AK bowie on the floor next to the computer, and on the computer tower the the odd one out, my 12" Sirupati named Audrey.

What do the five listed have in common? They fit my smaller hands superbly. The 12 " Sirupati came that way. The other 4 didn't when they arrived. I rasped and sanded, and filed and recut the rings deeper and in different places.

The AK Bowie had it's tang steel taken down and then the horn reduced, especially where my forefinger and little finger rest. Between them is a kind of wundhammer swell ( it bulges to fit into the center of my palm.

The M43 tang was curved on top to continue the curve of the blade to the point where it began the swell up to it's pommel. Then I reduced it even further where my small and ring finger set, just right for my ring finger to touch the base of the thumb, barely. Then I carved the back ring and it's slope forward to the back set of rings - deeply. My ring finger finds the back of the back ring, the index finger covers the front of the back ring and the other middle set of rings, and then I moved the forwardmost set of rings so the tip of my forefinger clamps down on then, and the thumb fits just behind and almost touching the bolster. Oh yes, I filed the tang so the rings continue through the tang and rivets.

I'll skip describing the other two I redid except to say the handles were similarly sanded down and the rings recut in different places to fit my hands, widened a bit and deepened so I could feel them without looking.

Now I pick one of them up in the dark and I know which one it is and where the point is in the dark. And it's even more a part of me.

Unfortunately, now when I pick another khuk up I immediately want to take 8 or 10 hours to do the handle to fit just me, and then refinish the wood til it gets that half-inch deep liquified look, and sand and steel wool the blade til I fall like Alice into the looking glass ( or blade in this instance ).

With one of the five I've mentioned, it's like doing the Tango with a longtime partner - the two of you move as one. The chances of finding a khuk that comes that way for you is what? One in ten?

Time to sign off and take my medication, but first, how many of you have picked up a khuk and felt it was an old friend? And how many of you have melded the handle some way to make it and you become more than the sum of it's parts?

Does anyone around khuks very long still wonder what I'm talking about?

Ooops, thought I was starting a new thread. Drat! I ain't gonna start over again now!
My two Bura khuks fit me perfectly, even if I was brave enough to fit a handle to my hand there would be no need to.
I haven't been brave enough to attempt to reshape any of my handles, but several of mine come to mind immediately that wanted to tango right out of the box. They are:

18" Kobra by Kumar. VERY skinny handle, but shaped to perfection, fits like a glove.

UBE by Bura. Opposite of Kobra, HUGE handle, but perfect for me also.

18" WWII by Sher.

Trishul Decker by Kumar. Close your eyes and it's a fighting bowie. Opponents are safe from the blade though because they will laugh themselves into a coma when the see that yellow naugahyde sheath. (Note to self: contact Terry)