On The Brighter Side...

Jun 5, 2002
Well, as i posted earlier, i certainly never thought my post about what SnG might mean would see the return of Swensen, and for that, I really am sorry. I was just having a little fun, but trolls will be trolls and rear their heads when you least expect it. I hope nobody is pissed at me, after all, it wouldnt be fair to hold me responsible for Swensen's antics. Anyway...

But, on the brighter side, i just thought i'd share some good news. Im a somewhat new Strider owner and fan, having fairly recently bought not one, or 2, but 3 SnG's, love them all, but i was really pining for an AR, never thought id find one for sale, as you know, theyre not all that easy to find. Well, a guy posted one for sale in the forums, i emailed him ASAP, and it looks like that sucker is MINE. Unused/mint, centered blade, no blade play, perfect lockup, i of course inquired about all of these things, perfectionist i am, and from what he tells me, this AR is perfect! I am one happy camper, true, im paying about $385, but if its mint and as perfect as he says it is, its $ well spent. I cant wait to get it, i handled a GB last month, and ever since have wanted an AR real bad, and the gods have smiled on me. :)

If youve never handled an AR/GB, youre in for a shock when you do, these folders are truly gigantic and built like a tank, well, maybe better than some tanks, the Humvees of the knife world. I cant WAIT!
IMO, the AR is the best folding knife made. I sure love mine. Is the AR you're getting BG-42 or S30V? If it's BG-42, is it hollow ground or full bevel ground? If it's S30V, is it 'lame'? FYI, a 'lame' AR is fine, my current AR is 'lame'.

One more question. Are you getting a Strider or Joe Chen Kydex sheath for your new AR? I would. IMO, a Kydex sheath is the best way to carry an AR/GB.
Hi Lynn, thanks for the words of encouragement. I think ill get a Kydex sheath for it. I do know its S30V, but im not sure if its a mismarked blade or not. Assuming it is marked BG-42, how can you tell its really S30V? And honestly, i think i like BG-42 just about as much as S30V, so either way, it wont bother me.

Im excited to get it, after handling a GB a few weeks ago, i knew i had to get an AR, and i lucked out. Ill let you know when it gets here, until then, i wont be posting much since im going to move my bed right next to the mailbox. Ahhhh, a big brother for my SnG's. :)
I guess I'm lucky that GBs are more available (hope they will still be around in a couple months when I get my next bonus). On a knife that size, I really dig the tanto style blade. Would also give me a good reason to carry a small, more PC blade with a spearpoint for utility tasks that don't involve prying.

Congrats on the AR and don't sweat the smaller stuff. ;)

The one you have coming is definitely S30V. You can tell by the stripes. S30V doesn't change colors during heat treat like Bg-42 does. The Bg-42 models have a very distinct redish-brown stripe, which I actually prefer. The S30V models have black oxide applied, and then are blasted to make the stripelike appearance. If you ever see a S30V and Bg-42 model side by side, the difference is very apparent.

Oh, and thanks a lot for beating me to the punch on that AR! I hate you in a good way...:p

Good news about your AR. You will love the knife. I recently received an SnG, and it's a problem to decide which one will be the day's EDC. Everyone should have those problems! Fantastic knives!

Rumor has it that Mick wants to build a slightly larger SnG. I cannot wait to see it.

However, if the SnG is going up in size, I'd like to see an AR that is going down in size.
Originally posted by Ichabod Poser
I'd like to see an AR that is going down in size.

You know I was thinking the same thing the other day, a smaller size AR/GB!
No! Dont make the AR smaller, thats what i love about it, its HUGE!!! :) Keep in mind, im 6'8", 375 lbs, size 17EEEE feet with hands to match, so to me, the AR/GB is juuuuuuuuust perfect. :) Well, OK, if you little guys want one, i suppose that's OK... :) Dont feel bad, my dad's a little guy, and he's 6'5.

Just teasing, but guys, let me tell you, nothing in this world is made with guys my size in mind, so the AR may just be the only thing out there that actually fits me like a glove and seems like it was made just for me. I bet very few of you ever had to literally get on your knees to take a shower in a hotel, and let me tell you, there's something about kneeling in a shower that just doesnt sit well with me. :) Like i said, i cant wait to get my new AR, and yes, i too would like to see an SnG with maybe a 3.75" blade. More sh*t to buy!
Originally posted by wire edge

Oh, and thanks a lot for beating me to the punch on that AR! I hate you in a good way...:p

No problem! :) Actually, i was kind of surprised nobody beat me to it, i know someone had responded within the thread, but apparently i was the first to actually email Gary. I generally dont respond in the thread, i think a quick email is definitely the way to go.

I kind of feel bad that you missed out wire edge, ummmmmmm, on second thought, actually, nope, i feel pretty good! :)

There'll be others, of course not as minty as this one... :)

Hmmmm, if you thought playing with my SnG at IHOP was poor judgement, wait till they get a load of this tiger striped bad boy! (Just kidding...maybe...) :)
The TAD AR appears to have the same handle as a standard AR/GB, so the Strider kydex sheaths should fit them. The Strider kydex sheaths only grip the handle of the knife and can hold the knife open or closed. The TAD AR's modified blade should not effect the kydex sheath fit. Just call the Strider shop and they will make one for you.
That was me who posted the inquiry about the availability of the AR for sale. I decide not to make an offer after I got to physically compare a "Tactical AR" (being offered by TAD)with a standard AR . Awesome cut on the blade of that Tactical model and it has the same heft. For what that guy was selling the AR for versus what the Tactical AR will go for, I'll wait the three months.
