Once you Use Infi You'll Never Go Back!

LOL!!! :D Allright allright, I'm heading back to the shop .....I know where my place is ...... sitting amongst piles and piles of leather scraps and battling the cat who seems to think he needs all my attention! ;)

uhm, now what did you order Cobalt? Oh yea! The pink fuzzy shag lined super sheath with purple trim and optional garter strap! :p

I'm off to see what SNAFU ordered ....... :eek: you sure about that yellow satin? :confused:
Solstice said:
I'm suffering from leather withdrawal....:D

Oh look my HD must be cold, it has dimples. Oh wait that must be the INFI. :o
Just found your too! ;) Leopard Spots????? Kinda Peggy Bundyish doncha think? :p
leatherman said:
uhm, now what did you order Cobalt? Oh yea! The pink fuzzy shag lined super sheath with purple trim and optional garter strap! :p

Shhh, I thought that one was going to be our secret;) Does it match my fuzzy handcuffs:)