Onomatopoeia, prove it!

David Mary

pass the mustard - after you cut it
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Jul 23, 2015
Okay so for those who don't know, the word I am not going to try and type out again means "words that sound like the thing".

So I would like this thread to be a collective effort to archive the proofs for alleged ono.... yeah. Let's not just put the word forward, but also a clip that "proves", as far as is subjectively possible, the notion that the word we are presenting is in fact an onom.....
I'll go first. I was watching a how to build a cardboard box fort for your cat video and the boing sound effect came in at one point. And I immediately thought, oh wow that's an onoma.... because when I heard it, I thought how it distinctly sounded like a semi human voice actually pronouncing the word boing.

Here's a short clip of the sound, to support my theory that "boing" really is an ______:

What are some onomatopoeias (thank you autocorrect) that you'd like to share? And bonus points for good evidence in support of obscure or hard to prove ones. Most points at the end wins a click or a clack, your choice.
Okay but prove it. ;)

Where is your video or audio clip of those sounds that actually sounds like a voice saying those things. And I didn't know there was such a thing as an uff.

Yes I am being exacting.

Can I be stubborn? I guess. But I don't deny people utter the sound. But is that the word actually used to describe the sound? A frog makes a croak, and it sounds like "croak". Person who says "uff" lets out a .... SIGH! Or maybe a grunt? Perhaps both of those are onomatopoeia, but I've never heard a sigh or grunt called an uff, even if it sounds like "uff"

Still, for stimulating such a pedantic response from the recovering grammar tyrant turned onomatoppressor, one full point is awared to Crag the Brewer Crag the Brewer , and an additional seven points for making me feel old, despite my being younger than him.

You are on your way to one complimentary David Mary Custom Click or Clack of your ChoiCe.
Okay let's just play fast and loose with the rules. No need to send a video of audio clip to prove it. I believe everything you say because of the picture of a word next to seeing it typed. I should join the justice department or Congress.
I deal with woosh a lot with tanks pressurized or vacuumed. Pow or pop is also another good everyday sound at work for me with sized fasteners
I might as well package it up now for you. But we'll hold off and see if there is a chance anyone can catch up. Guys the current lead is BlindMouse2of3 BlindMouse2of3 with 37 points.
I imagine Canadians are similar to me.....where I live.
They (Canadians) are stereotyped as friendly, good, honest, hard working peoples.
Fun, and life loving..... Maybe because we Have to survive the Cold, and we have getting along as a survival mechanism? Idk?

People of My state of Wisconsin, are similarly labeled.

Here is another word for today........ "Ope"

I was thinking this was unique to Us? But apparently it's more widespread....
Do You know/Use it???

I imagine Canadians are similar to me.....where I live.
They (Canadians) are stereotyped as friendly, good, honest, hard working peoples.
Fun, and life loving..... Maybe because we Have to survive the Cold, and we have getting along as a survival mechanism? Idk?

People of My state of Wisconsin, are similarly labeled.

Here is another word for today........ "Ope"

I was thinking this was unique to Us? But apparently it's more widespread....
Do You know/Use it???

Thought that was a Midwestern thing. Michiganders use it too.
I use it too!
The article said something about the use for an accidental apology.....

I thought that was interesting..... Wondering about anthropological ties of ancient man.....?

I'm predicting that "Ope" might of been one of the First 100 words in friendly society... Haha!
I don't know if that counts as a prediction, since you're saying it already happened. šŸ¤“ ;)