Opening tin cans with your survial/camp knife is...

Opening tin cans with your survival/camp knife is...

  • The easiest thing it will do all day

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Why I ask my buddy to bring his knife

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Knife abuse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Aug 25, 2001
...well, what about opening a tin can with your survival/camping knife? They did it on "Survivor" with a Boker Outback. A recent thread made me wonder if this is knife abuse or the least I can expect from a good survival/camp knife. There is one theory that says you will ruin a good knife opening cans and other theory that says you will ruin a cheap knife opening cans :eek:. I left an "other" category so you can supply your own answer. And let me know what survial knife you have in mind with your answer. Thanks!
That's for people who haven't discovered the P-38, or a simple SAK which will open the can 10 times as fast/easy/safely as a knife blade:p

I voted in "stupid":D
It may be dumb, but if your knife can't do it without suffering damage, you need a Busse!:) (had to say it!)
What kind of survivalist would I be if I would forget the darn can opener?

Using a P-38 would eliminate the possiblity of slicing your hand.'s so light that weight is not an excuse to not have one, especially if you can lug around a knife.
most cans are not made out of tin but steel which is much harder on those poor survival blades!!!

most all the food i carry in the back country is wrapped in paper or plastic...who wants the weight of a bunch of cans on their back!!!!!
I have done it with a Buck 110. No problem. However, I don't think it's a normal thing to be doing. That's why I carry a P38 in my wallet. When the SHTF, and all the survivalists have their stockpiles of food, I want to be the guy selling can openers to all the people who forgot one... ;)
I'd use a can opener before any knife, but... if your "survival" knife can't do it in a pinch, it's crap.

A survival knife needs to do whatever it has to do to help you survive. If that includes opening a can or two, it better do it or you go hungry! I've had to use a couple of knives to open cans of chili for hot dogs in the park. (we just happened to be out on a nice day and decided to buy chili, hot dogs, charcoal, etc. and have a "spur of the moment" cookout. Did I say "Gee, I need to go home and get the can opener"? heck no! I used the best tool I had on me for the job - an Emerson Commander in one case and a Sere 2K in the other. Worked like a charm, and the knife had no damage at all in either case.

I've done WAY worse than open a can or two...
Opening tin cans with your survial/camp knife is ... one of the reasons I carry an SAK.
My first instinct would be to call this knife abuse. On second thought though, since they did this on "Survivor," I'm changing my vote to stupidity just on general principle.
The P-38 is the way to get cans open but a good survival knife should be able to get cans open without damage
It would be smart to use your SAK or your multi-tool (or P38, ect) for opening cans and save youself the hassel of resharpening your knife. But nearly any knife will cut open a can without suffering any significant damage. I've even seen my Grandmother use a common kitchen-knife to open a can.

Good luck,
Originally posted by Buzzbait
My survival/vamp knife is a SAK. I had no problem opening the can. :D

That's why my EDC which would be my "survial knife" since it will be the knife on me - is a SAK.......

It is also useful to help those going blue in the face trying to twist off a bottle cap - that's not a twist-off :D :D

...not only that one can "survive" in style -
by being able to open a bottle of wine -
without anyone w(h)ing about cork in the wine.....

The minimalist SAK probably is the

Victorinox Waiter (US model #53891)

which is all of about $10 if you shop around......

Of course even the all-singing-all-dancing

Victorinox SwissChamp (US model #53501)

is as low as $39!!!

For a tool-by-tool review see:
SAKs - Victorinox or Wenger
When I camp, I always have a SAK and Buck 110 and sometimes a Fixed blade or a one hander on me. Guess which one opens cans :rolleyes:
How exactly does one cut open cans with a knife?

Do you cut around the perimiter like with a can opener?

Or just stab it?

I'll also say that if your knife can't even open a stinking can, it isn't worth whatever crap its made out of.

That's why there is STRIDER!!!!!
