Optimum RC Hardness for Damascus

Dec 27, 2001
I've always hardened my damascus to around 57-58 RC in the past. A customer recently asked me if I could do it to 60-61. The damascus is 1095/ 15N20.

Will the gain in edge holding be worth the increased brittleness? It will also be a bear to sharpen in the field. What are your thoughts?
I dont' think I would myself. As you noted, the edge is going to be quiet brittle, and if he uses it for anything but cutting butter, it probably is going to get chipped up. A working edge of 59-60 might be possible with that steel combination, but there are so many variables not only with the damascus, but how everything comes together with the heat treat that it is hard to tell until you experiment a bit. If you do give it a shot, I'd incorporate a liquid nitrogen cycle into your temper cycles to increase toughness. I know it has been benefitial in this way for me with 1084/15n20 combinations. Just my best guess work, I'm sure some more
experienced and knowlegable guys will chime in here shortly. Good luck.

Clint Chisan
I'm with clint, I wouldn't put my name on it, if it didn't pass the brass rod test. That rod on the cutting edge is a severe test for any knife blade, and if the blade will take it and not chip or stay rolled over, it will perform very well. What the RC is for your combo damascus to pass the brass rod I have no idea, maybe it will be up in the 60 range. I've had a few people want me to make things that I didn't feel was right, so I just told them how I would do it, and if they wanted, they could find someone else. But I wouldn't sell something that I didn't want myself, after all it could come back to haunt you in the long run.

Just My opinion and good luck

You didn't specify what type of knife you we're making, folder or fixed but even so I agree with the previous posts. Iv'e had 15n20/1084 damascus slipjoint folders in the 60-61 range that have had the tip fly off the end of the knife when they snapped closed.
I have been making and selling 1095 and 15n20 daamascus for 8 years now and I have always tempered my blades at 59-60Rc I have never had a problem. The only things I temper for a lower Rc are sword blades.
I have tempered my razors to 63 and the edges were very thin.