Ordered My First Handmade Knife Today

Jan 12, 2003
After much searching on the internet I finally pulled the trigger today on my first handmade knife purchase. I chose a D'Fighter II by David Dempsey. I was also very close to choosing his All Purpose Utility model which is also very nice. My decision ended up hingeing on the fact that I plan to carry and use this as a work knife as well as for self defense.

clic pic

What do you think? Does anyone have experience with Dempseys that they can share?
that is one great-looking knife! Hopefully, I'll have enough scratch to get MY first custom once I find a better job!
That is a really nice looking knife. What does the sheath look like? Congratulations on your new purchase.
Yes I did decide to have the knife made of S30V which is same steel and thickness as the knife in the picture. I also chose to have the thumb ramp serrated.

The cost was a consideration but David's knives are soo much nicer than the production fixed blades I own. I figure that they are at least as many times nicer as they are expensive. :)

The sheath is made of kydex but unfortunately I don't have a picture of it.
Hi Short Cut, you did a good job choosing one of Davids knives! I have 5 of his knives and a 6th on the way and all of them have been the very best in quality! I have the D Fighter II also but I had David make the blade a little wider as I like wide blades. I have 2 of his knives in S30V and it has been a great steel, I have found it to be very tough, hold a great edge and no rust at all yet!
David is a great guy and has really helped me out a bunch in getting me started making my own knives.
Let us know when you get the knife and I know you will love it! Custom knives are very addictive so get ready to go in the poor house as that is all you are going to spend your money on!!!;) Enjoy!!!:)
You made a great decision. David Dempsey is one of the best up and coming makers. His work is top notch and nothing leaves his shop without meeting his high standards. Once you have received your knife from Mr. Dempsey you will only want more in the future.

It is quite difficult to decide which knife should be your first custom. You cannot go wrong with a Dempsey knife as your first, second, third, fourth, fifth,............................or 200th custom knife.

Here is another vote for David Dempsey. I have 3 of his knives already and 3 more on order. I also got the pleasure of meeting him at Blade show last year and he is just a super nice guy. You can't find a better guy. I took one of his knives, a Patriot Junior, on a camping trip last summer and used the heck out of it and it would still shave after the weekend.
...and another vote for David Dempsey. I only have one of his knives and I am very fond of it. I met David at the NYCKS last November, and as Lewis said, he is a great guy to talk to and deal with. It looks like you made a very nice choice for your first custom. I'm sure you will enjoy it, and find ways of coming up with the cash for more of them. Enjoy!!

Enjoy it!

By the time you get your 10th handmade knife, you will have a pretty good idea as to what you REALLY like!
That's a great blade shape and a handle that looks very comfortable and sure.
Thanks for all of your positive comments about this knife. I also really appreciate the feedback regarding David and his craftsmanship as well. He has been very nice to communicate with.

David Dempsey has quite a selection of nice custom knives and it was really hard to choose just one. After cogitating on it for awhile I ended up ordering a second knife too. It is a combination of two knives. It will have the stabilized green burl wood handle slabs, tooled leather sheath and high polish of the first knife pictured and the overall blade length and blade shape of the second knife pictured.

clic pics

The bug is starting to take hold. ;)
Thanks SS! The hunter comes in a choice of 154CM or 154CM, however I chose S30V for the fighter.
Originally posted by Short Cut
Thanks SS! The hunter comes in a choice of 154CM or 154CM, however I chose S30V for the fighter.

How long did it take you to choose?

j/k ;)
I am new to bladeforums and have really gotten the custom knife fever. While searching this forum and others; David Dempsey's name came up and I found out that he is a local guy. I emailed him and he invited me to come by his shop. He seems like a real nice guy. It is really encouraging to hear the good things said about his work because to my "novice eyes" his knives looked great. Congrats on your Dempsey and I hope to own one in the near future!
Originally posted by marknga
he invited me to come by his shop... I hope to own one in the near future!

What a great opportunity to see David's workshop and view a glimpse of the craftsmanship involved in making such high quality custom knives.

I hope that you get one of your own Dempsey knives soon too, Mark. Right after I get mine. ;)
Thank you Short Cut for the kind words and patronage! The knives will be fun to put together for you.

Thanks to all the rest for the comments and compliments. I appreciate each of you.

Mark, I'll be waiting for your call. Stop by for a visit when you can. I'm sure there will be knives in various stages of completion for you to check out and play with;)