OT: A touch of home

Aug 18, 2000

My brother is in Kuwait, a senior officer. He writes that the men constantly need to clean off their faces and hands and water is at a premium, so they could use those little towels in small packets (like the airlines give out). I've asked him to send a list of things and an APO address, along with any governing regs. As I now understand it, all "care" packages must be sent to a specific serviceman from a known friend or relative, so here's what I propose: Anyobody who wants to kick in a package of gum, playing cards, small soaps, waterless hand cleaner, candy that won't go gooey in your pocket, combs, small mouthwash bottles, small shampoo (like motels give), or anything else, I would serve as your collector and then forward the entire lot to my brother. He would see to it that the men at his base get it all.

Sylverfalcon, perhaps you could add to this list: What sorts of things would have made a difference? Pens? Chapsticks? Let us know.

Anyhow, I have to leave for a week and won't see your answers until next Sunday at least, but my email is listed. If you want to write with suggestions, fine, and anyone who does will get my mailing address. I'm hoping we'll make a difference, and hey, maybe Uncle Bill would let me include a couple of printouts of BAS's and 18" Sirupatis along with the HI URL!

Kick it around; this is one h*ll of a group and we could make this work well. Ayo Forumites!

Stephen, add powdered drink mixes like Gatorade, pre-sweetened Kool Aid, etc., to your list. In the desert you have to really pound down the H2O, and I found out in Desert Storm the only way to ensure the troopies are drinking enough is to give them a way to flavor it.

Skip the candy, it draws bugs/vermin. Go with beef jerky, sunflower seeds, etc.

Tobacco products ain't healthy, but neither is war. Marlboro 100s are good to go, Skoal/Copenhagen is good to go.

Reading materials like used paperbacks are good to go. Deployments, and getting away from television, are great for enhancing literacy.;)

I'll be in a hotel for the next two weeks. They bring that stuff all of the time. I'll see if I can save up a bunch.

I'll throw in some cash - less personal, but I'd rather give you a few bux than pay to ship stuff to you. In the end, more of the money goes for the intended purpose, rather than moving it from place to place. Also defray the expense of sending stuff over there.
Count me in. Gonna be out of town for the next few days, so won't be able to get much bought, but can when I get back next week, or will send you a check & let you shop for us. Which ever you prefer is fine with me. Definitely sounds like a worthy cause.
Hello again everyone. I've been out of state the last two weeks , now today I see that sylvrfalcon is off on another government-sponsored tour of the Orient... Sarge if you ever wind up in a little country Northeast of Saudi and South of Iraq, drop me a line and I'll put you in touch with my brother and, probably, one of my nephews.

Okay, here's the pitch again, anyone wanting to chip in for the men in Kuwait (and parts north) please email me at: hotanvil@bellsouth.net
and we'll work it out. If you want to send religious material I will also forward that. All money will be acknowledged with an email showing the receipt, and I will pay for shipping the'CARE' package. Nobody send khuks, it will only tempt me and I am a very big sinner... heh. Also, anyone who chips in, if you allow me I'll include your name and email so maybe someone will at least say "thank you" for your kindness.

Stephen Hamilton
I'm still in and I'll send khukuris. Steve, there ain't a chance in hell that you are going to take them for yourself.
Uncle Bill

The three khuks arrived Saturday but I had to wait until today to get them from the Post Office. What a gift! There is a 20" AK, cousin to my own BHAK (Big Honkin' AK), a 16.5 Chiruwa AK (a work of art)and an 18" Sirupati which is laser straight. I was wrong earlier, I feel no temptation; only a sort of friendly amazement at the evidence of your fine spirit. I'll have these honed and ready to go very soon.

Meantime Don Patton, I received your email and eagerly await the waterless handcleaner and will combine it with the books Al Pilch is sending. I've been collecting some of the things Sarge suggested and have inquired at a local company that makes sunscreen if they'd let me send sample bottles. To my brother I plan to send my own fighting knife and may it serve him as well as it did for me.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for what you've done. I won't have everything ready until next Monday at the earliest, and when it arrives in Kuwait I'll pass the word.
