OT but help needed !!

Feb 13, 2002
Hi All

I am doing research for my new project at work. I am trying to find out if there are any "Information Service points" available for people to use free of charge in the USA. What I mean by this is a touch screen computer or internet system which is located in shopping centres or petrol stations, hotels, libraries etc. which provide people with information. The information I mean is a local business directory or government services eg. passport renewal documents, also community info like where people can find help with family problems etc.

If you guys know of any please e-mail me at work

Brendan work

Help is very much appreciated as I am flying blind at the moment and dont know where else to look.

Regards and blessings

The best I can thnk of is most of the public libraries now have computers with internet access. To find the info you are looking for, just check out each communities chamber of commerce site. They will usually list all the public service places in town...

Or just do a google search for the community you are at... it should give you something useful.

Good luck,


The best I can thnk of is most of the public libraries now have computers with internet access. To find the info you are looking for, just check out each communities chamber of commerce site, or city web site. They will usually list all the public service places in town...

Or just do a google search for the community you are at... it should give you something useful.

Good luck,


The best I can thnk of is most of the public libraries now have computers with internet access. To find the info you are looking for, just check out each communities chamber of commerce site, or city web site. They will usually list all the public service places in town...

Or just do a google search for the community you are at... it should give you something useful.

Good luck,

Thanks Alan but I've never been to the states so I dont have a clue where to start !!

I did a quick search on Google for 'internet kiosk', and turned up a bunch of hits, many of which listed some of their customers. Also, there is a site (http://www.kiosks.org/) which looks like it might be a good place to get general information about public internet access.

Good luck.
Thats site looks really good, I'll study it more tomorrow as I am going to watch "The Getaway" now. I appreciate your help mate.

"Getaway" is a good movie (the Steve McQueen one, right?) Not enough knives, though. Love Slim Pickens.
Very nice, I fell asleep about 20 minutes before it finished but I enjoyd what I saw.

;) :D