OT Criss Angel

Jul 9, 2006
Anyone else here watching Criss Angel doing his LIVE stunt in Clearwater?

This has been hyped-up in the Tampa Bay area.
Check out A&E or www.crissangel.com for the live event. An old hotel will be demolished by a bunch of explosives with Criss Angel inside. Well he has to make it to the roof out out shackles and kuffs and several locked doors to a waiting helicopter before the building blows.
The hotel just blew-up and the "Live" cameras showed Criss Angel having difificulties getting up to the roof and to the helicopter "in time". The copter left with out CA. The building blew.

And would ya know it. CA walked out of the rubble. WOW I wish I had that those powers.
I'm not much into illustionist, but he is the best at it if your into that stuff.

You always know how they will end though...I knew he would not make it on chopper and would arise from the ground...kinda hookie and over dramatic
yeah, they get old...his BIG illusion stuff...his street stuff is cool cause it's usally different...he's becoming david blaine...really big, then died away for the most part
From what I've read on the topic, his audience is "in" on the trick the whole time.

That and the magic if editing.

Newsflash: It's fake. ROTFL!!!!

The trick to magic (no pun intended) is you just willingly believe what they tell you. He did this stunt where he lifted a car up. Unfortunately they showed underneath where they removed pretty much everything from the car so it was easily lifted.

Or the "OMG" girls that are around him all hte time. PLANT PLANT PLANT.

Worse is David Blaine. I watched the "whoops, I dropped your ring down the subway grate" trick 3x before I realized the only person not in on the act. . . was me. d'OH!
He does Illusion Dennis, not magic.:D

His street work is pretty awesome at times... but when he goes for the big stunt tricks its very Hoakey.

He tells everyone none of his stuff is real, and also tells how he does most of it.
He was on one of the late shows last week doing a few illusions and then told how he did them, as he often does. I'm not into illustion, but must admit he is very good, maybe the best.