OT-Custom sheath makers??

Apr 9, 2001
Hi everyone,

Way back on my birthday last year, Wal surprised me with a Terry Primos one-of-a-kind sheath knife for a present. It is a BEAUTY (see it at: www.primosknives.com -- the knife balancing on T.P.'s finger).

It is a great knife, and I'd love to make it my EDC, but the sheath that came with it isn't secure enough for that (the shealth wasn't made for the knife).

Does anyone know of a GOOD custom sheath maker? I'll be carrying this once I begin my new career driving OTR, and I want to make sure the knife is secure (and accessible).

Thanks for all the good help.

You might check with Terry Sisco at the Sarki Shop 900 W. Blue Starr Dr. #29, Claremore, OK 74017. The young man does some mighty fine work from what I have seen right here on this forum. His email address is <t_sarki@yahoo.com>. I'm sure he will do you right and he could use the business.:)
Someone, not too long ago, posted a picture, and contact info, of a sheath made by a local leather person (saddlemaker, shoemaker??) Apparently it was his first attempt at this and it looked pretty dayum good. I have been fruitlessly looking for that post. Whoever did it, can you do it again?
Thanks guys. I completely forgot about Terry S. ... I must be getting old cuz my memory has gone :p

Another poster, Lifter who just posted in the leather thread, has made some sheaths for similar knives (Swamp Rat). If you run over to the Swamp Rat forum, I think he has some examples posted.

Of course, this could just be a figment of my imagination.

The knife looks great! That might be a good option for a general purpose hunting knife per that recent thread.
Let me know what style of sheath you are wanting and we can go from there. Thats a nice lookin knife!
God Bless.
Both leatherman and Lifter have been making leather sheaths for BF members for a long time. They have excellent work and do very nice hunter and neck knife sheaths - complete with creative pattern work, etc.
Terry has done some excellent work for me. I don't know about anybody else. I'm sure there are some fine sarkis out there but I don't like to change horses -- in the middle of the stream or anytime for that matter. I guess that's why I've still got my 1972 El Camino.