OT: Dog and Duck Pub, heads up Berk & Pappy

Jun 4, 2002
Lo and behold, the boss says we don't have to work Saturday (maybe 'cause we're getting smallpox vaccinations and other fun stuff on Sunday), so I'm set to make the pilgrimage to the Dog and Duck Pub for a few pints of "Irish luck". What'cha say Berk, does around 2 PM sound okay? Pappy, if you can make it that'd be great. I'm still keeping track and the next round is on me. If you can't make it that's okay, it is pretty short notice, but my schedule's been anything but normal here lately. Dadgum, a whole day in blue jeans and sneakers, that's going to be nice.:D

Dorothy & I had already committed to joining my brother & his wife in visiting our mom in the nursing home in Waco this weekend. As I think I've mentioned, you don't get many chances to be ninety-one years old, and when your kids are at opposite ends of a big state, visits are important. But so are opportunities to hoist a few, and support the troops. If you can make it any other time, I'll be there. If you can't, drop me an email and I'll discuss what I have that you and the troops might be able to use, and where to send it.
Dadgum, not to worry Berk, I've seen tommorrow's schedule and I can break away a little early. I should be able to make it to the Dog and Duck by 5 PM. And, I can eat and drink like a Saxon lord since I've got Saturday off. Would 5 PM (or even a little later) tommorrow be doable?

Roger, copy, 1700hrs local, I've got the grid and my liver's aquiver! Just please don't ya go pulling nothing out of your khuk collection that'll have me weeping in my Guinness Berk. I've been letting go of my little sharp shiny "buddies" by the numbers, and I'm kind of "vulnerable" right now.

I'm trying to keep "possibles" to 18" or less, but if you have any big 'uns that would like bigger kuks it would expand the envelope a lot.
Wish you could be there Keith, the Dog and Duck is a place most surely touched by the spirit of the Cantina. Maybe I should give Carrie the barkeep a heads up that we'll be once more brandishing wicked blades out in the parking lot. Ah well, if worse comes to worse, I do know an attorney who'll be handy.

Berk, 18" or less will do fine, we might have to pack light and move quick this trip. Hence, my wicked little 15"Siru.

Maybe I should give Carrie the barkeep a heads up that we'll be once more brandishing wicked blades out in the parking lot. Ah well, if worse comes to worse, I do know an attorney who'll be handy.
In the adjoining cell, anyway:D
That is late in the day for me. Turkeys and dogs to feed and the weather isn't supposed to be too great. So, I don't want my wife to have to do the work. I will surely catch you when you get back to the Lone Star State.

The 15" Siru. was a good idea. moving fast in the sand can get to be a chore. Take care of yourself and turn one up for me. I'll be there in my mind.

Semper Fi!!!:)
If Your stationed where I think your stationed I've done a few laps around the watertower on the airfield end of that post back in the 80's. If I had a way down there from NY I'd take ya all to the Bunny Club for a beer. I wonder if the dragon lady is still doing tattoos:)
Enjoy Your times now. You'll never be more alive or in better shape.While your here let the good times roll. If ya see sadam set it to rock and roll. Stouts Rule.
Mmmmmmm, Bunny Club, they're just friendly girls........

To all that wish they could make it to the Dog and Duck, we wish you could too. Have no fear that we'll hoist one in your honor. Carrie is going to look at me a little odd when instead of my usual Guinness, I ask for "a pint of Heineken if you please".

Originally posted by wildmanh
Have fun guys, but not to much fun.;):D

Speaking of fun......

I saw my first condom commercial last night, well, actually early this morning around 1:00 a.m. or so. :eek: :rolleyes: :footinmou
What's gonna be advertised next?:rolleyes: :confused:
Originally posted by Yvsa
Speaking of fun......

I saw my first condom commercial last night, well, actually early this morning around 1:00 a.m. or so. :eek: :rolleyes: :footinmou
What's gonna be advertised next?:rolleyes: :confused:

They are already advertising Underwear, tampons and other very personal items on TV, now Condoms -not to mention Smut:barf:. I'm not sure if there is much left, that they have not advertised.:eek::grumpy::barf:
that khukuri knuts are not hardy souls! Friday night happy hour at the Dog and Duck meant no seats or standing room inside. So, undeterrred by the 35 degree wind chill, Sarge and I repaired to the outdoor patio, which was much more conducive to conversation, and our beer was in no danger of getting warm. Don't tell, but I pulled a fast one on Sarge - traded him some battered old used leaf springs and Army surplus for one of his razor-sharp custom knives. Wish you all could have been with us, but maybe when he gets home (hopefully very soon) we'll start working on a Lone Star khonvention :D
PS - Sarge's 15" sirupati by Bura is a wonder - as he says, almost like a kobra, wonderfully light and maneuverable. No wonder it's his personal choice for a carry khuk.
Y'all don't let Berk fool you, he handed me a whole stack of stout khuks to give out to the guys, even tried to give me a couple that ought to be in a museum. Yvsa, that 1919 MK II he's got fairly sings when you drag your thumb across it's edge. It's thinner than what I'm used to, it's no-kidding convex edged, and pretty dadgummed sharp.

They sure got some pretty women down in Austin, at the Dog and Duck they were packed in so tight you could just about get from one side of the pub to the other walking across the tops of their heads. Conversation was better outside in the cold, but for sheer "scenery" a trip indoors was well worth the jostling.

Berk, on behalf of the guys and gals that'll be getting 'em, thanks for all them great blades. Have a safe trip to Waco tommorrow, and watch out for that frozen white stuff that falls from the sky. I've seen it on TV, snow I think they call it, but it's just plumb unnatural if you ask me.

Ya done went and made me jealous. I bet I don't mis the meetin when you get back. Take care of yourself and men.
