OT: Fox news vs Canada?

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Al Jazeera's headquarters are probably not in Iraq. I am not sure where their offices are, but I wouldn't be surprised if they had studio centers in places like Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
If we went around bombing our allies, we would not have many friends in the world.
I don't care for Al Jazeera, but I don't understand the analogy to WWII. The Germans were our enemies then, and were killing Americans in large numbers. Sixty million died in WWII. If they won the war, many of us would not be here today, and those who were still around would be speaking a different language.
If I were around, I would be one of the underground fighters in an insurgency against the invaders.

We flattened many cities in Germany during the war, but that is not the same thing as this issue with the news.
Our Bill of Rights protects us, and we sure don't need anyone urging our gov't to attack our allies to get at people who say things we don't like. How can we fight for freedom abroad, if freedom does not include freedom of speech?
Lots of people say things that I don't like. That is part of what it means to be a person. Not everyone agrees with me or with you, but that is not a good reason to take the person out.
Fox should be rated TVMA. I can't watch it for long, but that is also the case for much of TV news. My wife hates all of the news channels - I have to get my news fix through the net.
Lately, I am with Kis. I have had enough news. There isn't much that is good that we are going to hear, and it gets depressing.
To echo another thread, instead of wit and humor on TV - as with Johnny Carson or Jack Paar - we have Conan O'Brien and his crude bear.
What is the world coming to?
I am still opposed to censorship.
Al Jazeer has a broadcast office in Iraq, I thought.

They cost American lives. There is more to this than the news outlets are permitted to say. I think what is most hopefull, is that during a time of criticism for the war in Iraq, we have handled ourselves well, and the world general code of contact has changed- for the better, I hope.

arty said:
Even if I try, I find that I can't watch Fox news. The last time I watched, there was a conversation between a couple of their "news" people discussing Al Jazeera. They didn't like the Arab coverage of the war in Iraq, and wondered about whether we should just bomb Al Jazeera.
How is that for "freedom of the press"???????
I don't especially care for Al Jazeera, but since when do we advocate killing people in other countries who say things that we don't like?
I can think of a few cases where people might think something like this, but do not want to see people on television advocating killing.
If we go down that road, we won't have any allies anywhere.

Actually Al Jazeera is in Quattar(sp?) "Control Room" is covering the start of the war, really before the insurgency began.

Interesting you mention Al Jazeera and bombing. In the film they are sending these 2 guys to cover Iraq, and it shows the station manager (who, in the film says he'd move to the US and work for FOX in a heartbeat) calling central command and giving him the exact coordinates of where their reporters are going to be. The reporter going is totally confident that he will be safe, but ironically US jets attack the hotel that they are in and kill him and the other reporter. In the same attack they bombed another network Al Arabia in another building. The allies claim they took fire from both buildings but the other people in the building say they took no fire. The station manager calls the US military and demands they investigate whether it's retaliation, but they never do.

I think their slant on the news is Pro Arab, but I don't think they are far out or anything. You can read their website in english. It's www.aljazeera.net.

Go rent Control Room and watch it. It's right along the lines of our conversation.
The point that I was trying to make was just that al jazeera was available
and fox news for a long time wasn't and O'reilly kept on harping on it. Now
if fox falls flat at least they got a hearing and can't complain anymore.
I watch Hanity and Clomes on Fox News and is pretty good in my opinion.
You get a good view of right vs left.

The friction with Canada was the bashing of the US over Irag war.

I wish we weren't there myself but we are, and good men die.

Pick a side and live in the country who's side you pick.
Sams; I can't tell you how many times I counseled mental patients the exacty same thing. I would say, "you pays your money and takes your chances." (slang intentional- that's the way the expression is said.)

or as the Dead once said, 'you pick a place to be and just keep truckin on."

munk said:
...I can't tell you how many times I counseled mental patients the exacty same thing. I would say, "you pays your money and takes your chances." ...
How did that help them?
If you told them something like "Push your bellybutton three times and you will become invisible", they probably would have tried it. At least you would have established communication.

You let them know it's ok to make choices in an uncertain world, and to live with and ride out those choices. It is MOST important to let hurting people know that 'normal' people also make choices when they have no more understanding, or even less, of themselves and the world around them.

You let them know it's OK to be.

You's pays your money and you's take your chances.

This attracts interest, and we smile or laugh together. I let them know they're not alone in this basic universal truth.

munk said:
....You let them know it's OK to be... I let them know they're not alone in this basic universal truth.
Ok to be what?
It's obviously not OK to be who they are, because they are locked up.
Telling them that they are not alone and that they have choices is crazy.

When your shift was up, you went home to your "normal life".
They were still crazy, still locked up, and they didn't choose any of it.

If I was in charge of their therapy, I would make them watch "One Flew Over The Cucoo's Nest" day and night until they tore out the plumbing, smashed the windows and escaped over the hill.
Ben, it's OK to be, even if you're in a mental hospital. You should try it sometime.

munk said:
... it's OK to be, even if you're in a mental hospital...
What is that, some kind of nut house existentialism?
Philosophy was my minor in college, but if you want to discuss things like the "nature of being" you will have to stab me in the head with a spoon and dig through several layers of life to get down to the soft core of academic bullshit.
No Ben, it's the truth. If you'd like to learn about treatment of the mentally ill, start a new thread.

Are you being a contrarian for some reason?

Ben Aroun this is your final warning.

The next time you persist in your obduracy by urinating in everyone else's lemonade will be the last.
Benaround, I want you to stick around. We loved your stories. Your humor sometimes is spot on. Lately, I've observed your posts are harsher. Is there some reason for this?

Stick around- I don't want to be the sole contrarian.

munk said:
Ben, it's OK to be, even if you're in a mental hospital. You should try it sometime.

In Act 3, Scene 1 Hamlet restates this theme:

To be, or not to be, that is the question-

The answer eludes Hamlet throughout the play, perhaps because it is the wrong question. Hamlet is alive and to be alive means 'to do,' not merely to be. It is his inability to 'do,' his tendency to reflect rather than to act which poisons Hamlet's resolve and causes his tragic death.

I repeat: the next time you urinate in everyone else's lemonade will be the last time. Old friend of UB's or not.
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