OT- GI Joe figure with a REAL khuk


Got the Khukuri fevah
May 9, 2002
Hey all. I noticed it was kind of a slow day so i thought i'd share something i saw at work today. I work at Target as a "salesfloor team member" a.k.a. stock boy/question answerer/anything my "team leader" tells me to do. Anyway, my primary area is in toys and i was putting out some of those retro-looking 12" GI joe action figures out on the shelf when i noticed that one of them was holding a large curved knife. Low and behold it was an actual khukuri! i mean it had everything. sword of shiva with scroll work, cho, the works. as near as i can figure i looks like it might have been a siru. If anyone is interested in looking like a big goon and going out to find this GI Joe with a true blue Khuk, his name is Recondo or something like that. Just thought it was cool that Hazbro put that much effort into their GI Joe.

When I was a little kid, about 5 years old, they came out with GI Joe in the early sixties. Great toy, I had about 4 of them with all the gear and a footlocker to store everything in. I remember when I got back from being overseas in the early seventies, GI Joe was now an adventurer instead of a soldier. For my oldest nephew, I used to buy him tons of the little GI Joe guys from the cartoon series. They were only about 3" tall but lots of neat vehicles he would make me put together for him. For my youngest nephew, this last Christmas, I was looking for GI Joe stuff for him and saw the old style GI Joe figures, the 12" ones, with gear and dress from WWII and Vietnam as well as current military figures. Pretty impressive. I didn't know they were making the old style GI Joes again. Bought him a couple of them.
Just don't buy it as a gift to take on a plane. Some weeks back read a news article where a woman had bought one with a rifle or handgun with it and the gun was confiscated by the screeners, from the doll before she could continue. TRUE STORY
My little cousin has a whole collection of these new Joes. He had two little M79 grenade launchers from Vietnam. You can raise and lower the sight, break the gun down, and load a round. M16A1s with little removable 20 round clips and M16A2s with 30 round clips. The detail on these things is just amazing.
You get boxed figures.

Buy some more/different accessories.

But some nude bodies, heads, hands, etc.

Buy ones from a certain genre.

Buy ones from different ones.

Make little dioramas.

Could get quite expensive.
I don't recall GI Joe ever looking like this....

Does GI Joe have gender identity issues in 2003?

It sure looks that way. BTW, that Recondo figure looks too much like William Shattner. I keep staring at the photo to see if he's going to pull another shoulder roll.

For some reason, I think most of us would spend about 30 seconds looking at the figure and then take several hours to trick out the khukuri. Anybody know what kind of finish works best on miniature plastic khukuri handles?:D
Originally posted by not2sharp

Notice how they color those little projectiles orange. That's so nobody will mistake it for a REAL firearm and shoot you. :rolleyes:
Notice how they color those little projectiles orange. That's so nobody will mistake it for a REAL firearm and shoot you.

Those airport screeners will still arrest you, and Joe, for carrying a gun.

Originally posted by not2sharp
Those airport screeners will still arrest you, and Joe, for carrying a gun.


That Joe's one tough cookie. They'll NEVER make him talk.