OT: Happy New Year

Jul 25, 2002
My Wife and I will be leaving shortly to attend a New Year's Eve service at our church but before we go I wanted to wish all of you a Happy and Blessed New Year. See you in 2003.
Happy New Year to you too. I'm getting ready to head out to a party, so I want everyone to have a very happy and safe New Year.
My fellow forumites, May you and yours find all that is good in 2003!

HURRY!!! SOMEONE SELL ME A SEBENZA WHILE MY WIFE IS STILL DRUNK!!! She just gave me the OK, but I fear this will disapear with her buzz :D
TBG - make a quick move to a Web store and place your order. That way it shall be nestled all snug like so on the 2nd they can send it your way! :D
