OT: need help from Netscape users

Sep 5, 2000
I know this is very off topic but I didnt know where else to go. I use Microsoft Internet Explorer, and do not own or know anyone who uses Netscape. Ive received two emails from people saying they couldnt access my website, that it was not loading properly. I have no idea what is causing this and fear it may not be compatible with Netscape. So if youre a Netscape user could I please ask you to try accessing the site and tell me if you can get in? Thank you in advance.
Thanks for the help once again Uncle Bill. Hmm I guess back to the drawing board.
I just checked the source code under netscape and it is clustered with html errors. There are multiple copies of the header code that conflict, there are multiple tables that have no end tag, and inside them multiple records that also have no end tags, as well as the page has no end tags.

Netscape 4.7 just shows the background and gives up, Communicator 6.? just crashes. If you want drop me an email and we can go over the code section by section and remove all the errors.

Communicator 6 did not crash for me and I don't happen to have earlier versions of Netscape on this computer. It does look pretty terrible in Opera, BTW.:(

I'll second Cliff's points, though. You seem to have used a defective website generator. You might try running your site through one or more checkers/validators. Take a look at http://www.bobby.org, http://www.htmlhelp.com, http://www.websitegarage.com or http://validator.w3.org (warning, the last one is very strict). You can look at your source using "view source" even in MSIE, but your HTML is extremely messed up as it is. Among the major browsers, MSIE is the most "tolerant" of invalid HTML. Once in a while, this is "good" since it allows you to look at sites with terribly garbled HTML, but when you are creating a site, it is less good because it allows you to believe that your site is a lot better than it really is.

I use Nutscrape 4.08 (pre AOL Virus :D ) which often has difficulty loading pages heavy with JAVA script. Your home page loaded just fine. However the hyperlinks in the middle area (ex." Click here for The making of a kris" "Click here for
Moro Armor ") do not link to a next page (nothing happens). But ALL your hyperlinks at the bottom (ex. "Below are links to useful sites and other sites that I feel Strongly about") of your homepage DO work!
I also tried loading your page on Opera 5.11 (a Mozilla derivative) and everything works just fine :)
Not sure, but the problem could perhaps lie in the use of .html vs .htm file extensions? Recall something about one browser prefering one over the other and viceversa. you may try simply renaming these file extensions one way or another. Sure if you did a search on this issue you'd find some useful info too.

BTW, anyone who's into PBS and Minnesota Public Radio is alright by me :)
Hello guys

Thanks for all the help. I took the lazy route and paid for it. Ive just changed all the code on the main page. If I could bug you once more to see if it works now Id appreciate it. I havent gotten to the other pages yet since I dont know if the corrections I made were right. As always thanks so much.

Looks fine and works good. I guess I wasn't getting everything before but didn't know it until now. Good interesting stuff, Fed.
Well I finally got everything squared away I hope. I used the bobby check and I think I should be ok. If there's any more problems I dont want to hear about it:p Thanks for all the help.