OT: Saint Patrick's Day, well dadgum

Jun 4, 2002
Organized an "Irish Stew" cookoff, turned out really good, lots and lots of food, lots of Guinness, and a very good time had by all. For first prize for the cook off I'd promised a no kidding pot of gold. So, I took a little cast iron pot I have and filled it with Sacajawea "gold" dollar coins, all of 'em polished up bright and shiny. Well wouldn't you know it, I'm standing up there like a big grinning ape with the pot of gold, as the colonel is ready to announce the winner. For anonymity the contestant's pots were identified only by a "yellow sticky" with a number on it. The colonel read off the winning number, and there was nothing for me to do but set the pot of gold in front of "number 5", my trusty old enameled steel pot with the black scorched bottom. I was a little embarrassed to win, since I'd organized and set up the cook off, but I quickly recovered my wits, scooped the shiny coins up in my hands, and started tossing 'em out to the kids in the crowd.

Good stuff, think I'll go have another pint and watch the boys play cards. Happy Saint Patrick's Day everybody.

Hey Sarge, that sounded like a lot of fun. Glad everyone had a good time.
Quick thinking, man. I'd have tried to talk my way out of that one. Your way was much better.
Have enjoyed a few;) black & tans, and am now down to straight Guinness (Darn!). Lamb stew with roasted leeks and parsnips is about thirty minutes away from being done - time for another Guinness, and a toast to my grandma Flanagan:D
A guy from Coors, a guy from Budweiser, a guy from Corona and a guy from Guinness go to a bar together. The guy from Coors orders a Coors. The guy from Budweiser orders a Bud. The guy from Corona orders a Corona. And the guy from Guinness orders a club soda. When asked why he ordered a club soda the guy from Guinness says "Since none of you guys ordered a beer I figured I wouldn't either." :D

Thank you for the chuckle. I hope all the good Irish out there had a very good St. Pattie day. I almost for got myself, doing a few honeydos.:)