OT: Something Pappy will like

Jun 4, 2002
Here's a nifty little tomahawk/belt axe that Cold Steel sells as the "trail hawk"

and here it is "Sargified";)
Thanks. Much as I love khukuris now, I still wouldn't feel a bit uncomfortable heading out in the woods with my old tomahawk and belt knife. Throw in a rifle, some ammo, and a few other "necessaries", and I could be gone quite a while.;)

The "hawk' that I really fell in love with was the one in the opening scenes of the the movie 'Patriot' with Mel Gibson. Everytime I try to remember the picture in the movie and compare to hawks in various sites, I really get confused. :(

You wouldn't be able to identify that one would you?
This one from RMJ Forge is pretty darn close to the one Mel used to hack up redcoats.

Sarge I really like what you done with that hawk.
Did you carve the handle from the original or a replacement?
I like the "Cold Steel" hawks but would like to get something nicer in the future. I really like the looks of some I found on Lonnie Hanson's site.

Ics37, The hawk for that movie was made by Tony Swatton of Sword and Stone.

Here's a picture of my hawk, not as nice as Sarge's; but I did treat the handle, knock the paint off the head and cold blue it.

Those are some awesome hatchets...

You wouldn't by chance have a Swedish Carving Axe in your back pocket would you?

Nice stuff Greg. As for the handle on the trail hawk, it's just the original whittled on a bit. I like a straight tapered handle for throwing, but for a belt axe I like a handle my hand won't slip off of. Hence the stuff toward the end. On the bit I just took off the paint, added some filework, and put a scary sharp edge on.

Thanks for posting those links. Seeing the decorative carving on the handle of the Blade magazine "cover hawk" has given me some ideas. I was going to go with a rawhide wrap and some brass tacks, but I really like that carved decoration, and it looks easy enough to do. I'll post an updated pic when I'm done.

Wow. Thanks for the links guys. I guess I have champagne tastes on beer money. Back to Khukuris.

I did look at Ragweed's site. But didn't see anything similiar unless, I am blind in one eye and can't see out of the other.:D

Ripper, thanks for the 'Sword & Stone' link. At least I can go and admire it once in a while. :) Maybe cry a little!
Go back to Ragweed Forge and take a closer look at the Allen Foundry "Iroquois" hawk. It's very nice, complete with decorative filework/engraving, and can be had in 6150 carbon steel for $47. At that price I might have to get one myself.;)

Originally posted by Sylvrfalcn
Go back to Ragweed Forge and take a closer look at the Allen Foundry "Iroquois" hawk. It's very nice, complete with decorative filework/engraving, and can be had in 6150 carbon steel for $47. At that price I might have to get one myself.;)


OK Back to Ragweed, I go...... THANKS AGAIN
Sarge, thanks for the additional info on the handle. I look forward
to seeing the handle of your hawk after you carve it. That Allen Foundry "Iroquois" hawk you posted looks mighty nice.
I guess I have champagne tastes on beer money.
Ics37, I know what you mean brother.
Since you're talking hawks I would highly recommend H&B Forge. They make some outstanding hawks for the money, hand forged too.
Check them out here: http://www.hbforge.com/tomahawks.html
I currently own two H&B Forge hawks and I can't say enough good things about them.
The weakest part of the VN hawk is the way the handle is mounted. For my money the blade is two thick closre to the edge. The first time I threw the thing I had to reset the handle. Just too flimsy.

I have an old CS Plainsman, Slasinski Spike Hawk,the Hammer Hawk, and the kids Hawk. The kids hawk seems to have gravitated into my wifes night stand. I asked her if she wanted my to cut that 22" handle a bit. But, she said no I can swing it faster with two hands than I can with one after it is cut. Who am I to argue with that NDN?

I would like the Woodlands Hawk by Allen but they don't have it in carbon steel. I like the longer bladed Hawks. I don't really know why. I like what you have done with the CS you worked over Sarge. It looks to be a very handy piece of gear. Did you try throwing it before you worked over the handle? If it throws well I might try for one for that price. I know they are pretty good steel if they are like the Plainsman that I have. It seems to be pretty hard.:)