OT: Superglue finish


Gold Member
Nov 26, 2002
I've been trying out the famous 'Yvsa Superglue Finish' on a piece of scrap maple (before I tried it on my real knife handle) and had a couple of questions:

How long should I wait:

1) before sanding each coat
2) between coats

What I've done so far to the wood looks pretty good, but I didn't want to screw up the real project by not letting the coats cure long enough.

Aardvark I sanded the surface as soon as it was thoroughly dry to sight and touch.
It seemed to work well for me. BTW, the famous superglue finish wasn't of my making. I learned about it on the Shop Talk Forum.:)
Thanks, Yvsa.

What about time between coats?

BTW, there is an interesting thread in the Knife Community/Community Center about the Atkins Diet. IIRC you were interested in it at one time. It's (currently) on page 2.

Sorry 'bout that.
I recoated just as soon as I sanded it smooth, no waiting. Nice thing about the super glue finish.:)
Just be sure it's dry to sight and touch!!!!

Thanks for the heads up on the Atkins. I saw it and contributed to it the other day.
Seems no one knew about the Diet Rite Cola that is sweetened with Splenda and is caffiene, sodium, aspartame, and carbohydrate free.
I would prefer they had left the caffiene in, but it does taste good, reminds me of the soda pop of years ago when it was sweetened with real sugar instead of the current corn syrup.:D
caffiene, sodium, aspartame, and carbohydrate free.

Sure sounds like a waste of molecules, don't it? You can at least hope that it has some alchohol, though.