OT Take The History Channel Poll 2nd Amend.

Which right or freedom is most crucial to America's democratic way of life?

Freedom of religion - - - -7% - - -802 votes
Freedom of speech - - - -20% - - 2317 votes
Right to bear arms - - - - 67% - - 7685 votes
Right to due process - - -4% - - -458 votes
Right to trial by jury - - - 2% - - -278 votes

Total Votes: 11,540

It's at the bottom left corner of the page.
I went there, and the percentages were the same, but the total votes were in the 14thou range. interesting...

I am happy to see that there are people who see that the 2nd gives teeth to all the others. Without the 2nd how long till the others fall?
" According to those statistics, more than three times as many people would rather shoot than talk."
Saddam and the U.N. should take note!
or perhaps feel that with the threat of shooting, the voice may be heard. or, perhaps shoot first an ask questions later.
