Out of the Two, Which one for you? (SOG knives)

Sep 24, 2006
hey guys, after the recent sog thread by skaterboy, It got me thinking I wanted a revolver.
Now the question is, Out of the Hunter revolver and the Seal revolver which one would you choose and why.
But of course I like both, So the hunter has the flat grind but a gut hook, which I dont really like. And the Seal revolver has No gut hook, but doesnt have a Flat grind which I dont really like.
So if it was your decision, which one would you choose, sacrafise The flat grind for no guthook?, or the other way around.

So im at a stand still, and im bringing it to the masses :D
Thanks for the help guys.

Hunter Or Seal for you? (and why :D)
I guess if I had to choose, I'd choose the Hunter. Partially for the flat grind, but mostly for the plain edge. If the SEAL Revolver was available with a plain edge, I think that one would win with me.
Thats good, I was leaning towards the hunter for that reason also. The gut hook isn't horrible, And the knife wont be used for batoning, Unless absolutly needed, so I can see the hunter coming out on top.