P-Sark Question

Nov 29, 1998
Got one in a recent trade. The blade is starting to rub on the liner on the flat side and the pivot screw seems to want to work loose. Should I send it back in for adjustment or is this normal with these knives?

There's a second detent that might put too much pressure on the blade, take the knife apart, easy and no warranty issues, press it to ease the tension.

You might want to "bend" the knife some, it has helped me several times, i tend to bump my knives every now and then, just "bending" them back solves the problem.

If the pivot is loosening, tighten it, use Lock-tite or tape or anything other to keep scres from loosening.

Good luck, the P-SARKs are great users :)
Thanks 2Sharp. After posting my question, I did a search and found what I expected to find concerning the use of LocTite. One interesting note that I found was something that you also said. Using some tape. I have some pipe tape and will try that tonight. I will also either try the bending suggestion or I'll take it apart.
just got one today, too... similar issue witht he flat side of the tip rubbing on the liner... out of the box! Felt a little tight on opening, too, and the pivot screw wasn't that tight. Tight enough that the wave was a hit or miss affair... the knife just didn't want to open.


Guess I'll have to dismantle.

On a plus side, I'm really liking the thumb grooves EKC's been putting in lately, on this, the newer commanders, etc.

Am I the only one who thought the specwar style handle would be a lil bigger?

edited 5 minutes later to say that...

The detent thing helped some, but now it doesn't hold closed as well... ugh. And bending it back in to make it a little tighter on closing caused the detent ball to pop out. Lucky for me I still have good eyes. So it's back in now.

I dunno... I love the knife, don't get me wrong. As I said, I love the grooving on the thumb ramp... adn for the pinky as well. It's a great touch. But as it stands the screws have seen and show more use than the blade, and it just got out of the box. 10 minutes ago.


I guess I shouldn't fuss... it is a nice knife... and if it's as good as all my other emersons (this will be my... 5th?) then I know it'll serve me well. But I'm also a fairly handy guy, and I can't help but hope that the rest of EKC's customers are, too, just so that they can make the minor tweaks on their own knives that will make them work as well as they are designed to.

We need to meet up sometime soon so I can take a look at that beast. The P-SARK has intrigued me for a while.

So far I have opted to let mine alone. I will probably put tape on the pivot screw as soon as I get around to stopping at a hardware store. I thought I had some around the house but can't put my hands on any.

Revolvergeek, let me know when you will be around and I'll bring the P-Sark and the Kiwi for you to look at.