Paid repair services

Jun 29, 2002
Today I got my Buck/Strider back and I was told the repair wouldn't be covered. I figured as much, so that isn't the problem.

The note included with the knife stated the repair would be $30. That charge is fine by me, but I'm wondering why someone didn't give me a call and let me know how much it would be. I thought that was why you wanted a phone number with a return. :confused: I could have paid and saved the cost of shipping it back.

Now my question is how should I include payment when I send it back? Should I include a check? Money order? Credit card billing info? What?

I just want my knife fixed ASAP, I don't care what it costs.
Now I'm currious, with the situation I'm currently dealing with, as to what the whole story is on your knife. Was it a repair problem caused by use, abuse, ???? These knives are advertised with "When failure is not an option". What failed? There is a "Lifetime Warranty" and then it's going to cost you $30? And am I reading correctly that they sent the knife back after diagnosing it without fixing the problem? Huh? What the hell is that?
There are a lot of questions that I, and the rest of the buying public, need answered.
The blade was modified. I expected it wasn't going to be covered, but whoever answered the phone at Buck said to send it in...
Ah, It all is becoming clear now.
Well, my 888 is on it's way back to me already. They seem to do an outstanding turn around on their repair work so go for it. As a start up maker, I wouldn't want to be covering modified stuff either. I can understand that one completely.
Good luck with you knife.
Wow! I'll have to give them a call then...just getting my knife returned without any work took weeks! :(
hi steve; when you send the knife back, send it back with a money order made out to Buck's better than a check, no 7 days to clear. take care and god bless.

Larry D Fletcher
If our computer is right, we did some work on the blade for you at no cost and offered to reblade it for the $30. I totally understand the frustration of wishing we had given you a call before sending it back. I am going to evaluate that policy and see if it can be changed.
Originally posted by Joe Houser
If our computer is right, we did some work on the blade for you at no cost and offered to reblade it for the $30. I totally understand the frustration of wishing we had given you a call before sending it back. I am going to evaluate that policy and see if it can be changed.

Hmmm...I didn't really notice much difference between what I sent in and what I got back...

Again, I don't have any problem with the service provided, just that I could have paid then and saved the trouble.