Pala must be on holiday...

Daniel Koster
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Oct 18, 2001
Am I the only one going crazy because of the sudden drought on Crazy Pala Deals?

Guess they had so much fun at the Khonvention that there's none left?!?


I feel like a kid who's just barely too short to see in the store window... :(

No, I feel the same way. But I feel bad about feeling like that. Not like anybody OWES us CPDs. Just spoiled, I guess.
I agree...

However, there's nothing more nerve-wracking than seeing everyone come home with toys except you... :D :eek: :D

I think if Bill posted a CPD right now, I'd probably jump all over it even if it was just a kagas katne. :eek:
I think Pala ran out of gas. Convention, pre and post ops, put us on 15 hour days more or less. May get something up today.
In the words of the discolored one...

"me likey" :D :p
It seems like these specials are always posted while I'm on my lunch break...!??!?!

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: