Para Cord saves the day!!!!

Apr 20, 2001
Ok, I carry a small day pack everywhere I go and on all the zipper tongues, I carry 12" of Para-Cord braided to about 3 inches, for "emergencies". Usually to the ribbing of friends and family for being a preparedness freak.

Well after last night, they ain't laughing no more!

Some background, I am a bi-lateral amputeee, which is a fancy way of saying I haven't got any legs from the knee down. Anyway, I drive with handcontrols, and last night about 9:45 as I was taking a new underpass close to a "bad" part of a town about 30 miles from where I live, the brake arm broke off my handcontrols. I got the car stopped in a parking lot without hitting anything, and called my family thinking I was going to need someone to come drive my car home for me. Realizing that this wasn't the best area to be stranded in, I began trying to "patch" the swivel socket that was broken so I could get out of there. I quickly undid one of the lenghts of Para-Cord I carry, put the socket back together and wrapped it like a knife handle, tied it off, tested it around the parking lot to make sure it would hold, then drove all the way home safely.

Yeah we may take some crap for being prepared, but sometimes it pays off!
Good Work! Another great example illustrating the use of our sharpest tool, our brains.
Usually to the ribbing of friends and family for being a preparedness freak.

I always wonder how people can make fun of someone for being a "preparedness freak", but at the same time have to gratefully rely on that person when situations come up where simple items are needed that they themselves do not habitually carry. (Ex: knives, rope, tape, pen, etc.) But then, after the situation is over, they'll still rip on you. Maybe they're just insecure about their militant idiocy?
Originally posted by Bodyhammer
I always wonder how people can make fun of someone for being a "preparedness freak", but at the same time have to gratefully rely on that person when situations come up where simple items are needed that they themselves do not habitually carry. (Ex: knives, rope, tape, pen, etc.) But then, after the situation is over, they'll still rip on you. Maybe they're just insecure about their militant idiocy?

Yeah..this always bugs me. Most of my friends do not carry even a pocket knife, but are constantly asking to borrow mine, one junior "hippie" type is the most mouthy about it, but then on a weekly basis comes begging to me in our local hang out if I would sharpen his pencil for him(he is a college student). What has happened to this generation??? it's like they have no concept of personal responsiblity for their own welfare.

In High School, when the movie First Blood came out, I was immediately nicknamed Rambo (am still called that by some today), because I had a hollow handled "survival" knife. Then while on a day hike through the woods with buddies, (yep I hike on my knees), 2 of them fell into a creek in about 50 degree weather. Not really dangerous, but we were a few miles from the truck. They were facing a cold walk back, and a ruined day until I calmly drew my knife, took matches out of the handle,and started a fire. they were warmed up and clothes dried out in short order, and the day went on.

Funny those 2 never joke about my "preparedness" habits anymore.

Yeah..this always bugs me. Most of my friends do not carry even a pocket knife, but are constantly asking to borrow mine, one junior "hippie" type is the most mouthy about it, but then on a weekly basis comes begging to me in our local hang out if I would sharpen his pencil for him(he is a college student).

Next time he makes fun of you for it, remind him how much he seems to rely on it and suggest that maybe there's something to carrying useful tools after all. Then next time he asks you to sharpen his pencil, refuse and ask him why he doesn't grow up and learn to take care of himself.

Then while on a day hike through the woods with buddies, (yep I hike on my knees), 2 of them fell into a creek in about 50 degree weather. Not really dangerous, but we were a few miles from the truck. They were facing a cold walk back, and a ruined day until I calmly drew my knife, took matches out of the handle,and started a fire. they were warmed up and clothes dried out in short order, and the day went on.

Funny those 2 never joke about my "preparedness" habits anymore.

Yes, that is funny. Maybe you should arrange for some other friends to fall into an almost frozen creek, too. :D
Better yet, pick up one of the smaller Victorionox SAK's for like ten bucks and keep it with you still in the package. Next time he needs his pencil sharpened, give him his nice new knife to keep for himself ! I've done this same sort of thing many times and it wins people over to our(knifenuts) side very quickly.
That's not a bad idea A.M. my local Wal-Mart has the Wenger version of the classic SAK on clearance for $5.00, I might just grap a couple and keep them handy.

Nice way to bring people into the knifeclan!
asprin, moleskin, tape, bandaids, bandages, neosporin, paracord... and my knife! All things I carry daily, plus a heck of a lot more, and all are things I've been asked to 'borrow'... just in the past 6 months... Yea, I was a boy scout and took it to heart when an Uncle whipped out bandaids for me when we went to the Boardwalk one summer evening and I got splinters... I've been carryin' ever since... and been hit on by the same ones that joke about me carryin' all that 'S**T' in my bag...

Last laff's on who??? :cool:
I used to find it amazing how many people never carry anything be it knife, matches, lighter or even aspirin. I have friends that used to and some still do crack jokes to me or about me because I have always had the same stuff you folks have been talking about with me on a daily basis. I have a basic first-aid kit one of the small ones you can get for about 4 bucks at a drug store; I keep a disposable lighter and a magnesium fire starter and at least one knife with me at all times (and you are right I get asked to borrow it all the time) I am not paranoid I was raised in the country where we are taught to take care of ourselves not run to ER for every scratch or to rely on others for basics I should have already had. I used to wonder at the term sheeple until I realized that is what most people have become. They rely on everyone else to have stuff for him or her and sometimes get mad if you don’t. Sorry about rambling along your post just reminded me of how few people have the foresight and wisdom to take care of a situation like you did without throwing up your hands and saying the heck with it. Job well done, my hats off to you.