Paul Chen's sword steel in Yanling sword - What is it?

Dec 12, 2001
I haven't been able to find specs on the steel that is used on the higher end of Paul Chen's swords. the Yanling sword to be specific. It is simply stated as "swedish powder steel" or some such, and I've read one of his online chats at netswords, in which the same question was asked, and I felt his answer was evasive. so does anyone know what this "swedish powder steel" refers to? and if you can give me a breakdown on the composition, or just a name will be perfectly fine, I can do the rest of the research.

the sword in question is 2074GT on CAS Iberia site,


here is the link
The only Co. I knnow of that makes the stuff is DAMASTEEL AB, a Swedish company. The real question to pose to Mr. Chen would be "is that stuff bars from Damasteel AB, the Swedish company?"

Here's the link. Pricey stuff.

I'm under the assumption that it is the same ASSAB K-120 powdered steel you see in all the other pattern-welded blades produced by Hanwei. I do not have specific chemical composition information in front of me, but it would appear to be a relatively low alloy steel due to its response and appearance post-yakiire (Japanese clay heat treat).

If I can find some composition information on it, I will post it.

Sorry if that's not much help.
Thanks for the replies.

Ferrous Wheel: I couldn't find any price on the damasteel website, did you contact the distributor and gotten their price?

Robert: thanks for getting me a name, if you could find the composition that'd be great, meanwhile, I'll do the same.