Payin your dues?

Sep 23, 1999
I see so many people here that are really caught up in Blade Forums and I'm sure are benefiting from the information that is available here, especially in Shop Talk.
So why do so many of you refuse to cough up at least $20 and become a paying a member here and support this place and what Spark has done?
I don't know why I'm posting this today.
It's been on my mind for a while and I guess I'm just in the mood to let it out.
This isn't aimed at anyone in particular and I don't wanna run anyone off.
I love all you bastids and the posts you make.
Everyone adds so much here!
Ha, I was just thinking about this earlier actually while I was participating in another thread.

Get a paycheck and hoepfully the overpayment of school loans this week, so knifemaker subscription will start then. Course, I guess I should sell some more knives then too. :)
That is why I paid mine this year. I got the Knife Maker membership even though I don't yet concider myself quite at that level. I am a bit emmbarased at that part but that is the level I thought I should spend. I try to visit Shop Talk every day I am close enough to the computer and have since I found it last March or April. I should explore the other sections of this form too but just don't. I belong in the shop.

Hi Michael,

You know, that's a really good point...don't know why I haven't signed up, guess it just didn't occur to me, thanks for the nudge. Maybe your post will encourage others to do the same. I went to the sign up page and have a question before I choose an option. Does the "Knifemaker" option allow one to post pictures directly or is that only available for the "Gold" subscription?

Originally posted by Darren Ellis
Hi Michael,

You know, that's a really good point...don't know why I haven't signed up, guess it just didn't occur to me, thanks for the nudge. Maybe your post will encourage others to do the same. I went to the sign up page and have a question before I choose an option. Does the "Knifemaker" option allow one to post pictures directly or is that only available for the "Gold" subscription?


You can post pics directly from your hard drive with the knifemaker membership. It is also the only membership that allows you to post in the knives for sale, makers, and the knifemakers equipment for sale forums.
Best deal in town.
Thanks L6 Mike for mentioning it.
It lets you post pictures like this.


  • m21&d2.jpg
    40.4 KB · Views: 167
Good post, Mike. I just returned to work after being crippled up 7 1/2 months, have worked 6 days and still gimping around. I plan on being a paying member soon because there ain't no free rides in life. This forum has really been some sunshine for this busted up ol' maker here in Iowa. And very educating, too! What a bunch of great folks!
Good thinking Mike, we all need to pay our way here, don't leave it all on Spark's shoulders. If you're not getting $20-$30 worth of information, education, help, support and exposure here for your knife making, you're doing something wrong.

Let's do something right, and pay our own freight.
good Idea to buck up if your benefiting here...OMO

Hey Mike H
I think it was you that recommended I change from gold to Knife maker.

It made cent,, SOOOO, but I can't get spark to get back to
me on what to do?
I PM'ed him, emailed him, the email came back.:(

I think I even mentioned it a tread..I need to call him I guess..
SPARK!!!! what's your Number if That's the only way?
I'm gold now ... what do I do to up grade???
:( Please:( :)
Awesome folder there Kit! I got my Gold membership some time ago, I dont think I have posted a knife picture yet...
I told myself that I'd get the membership when I hit 100 posts -- I guess I'm way overdue. Credit card comin' out. :D

Thanks for the reminder.