Peoples balis


Jul 8, 2001
Well im new to this forum so i dont know about much of everyone here. I would like to know what kind of balis everyone has ,how old everyone is and when they stared with the bali. I'll start out i guess. Im 15 and i have 2 balis. I had 3 but 1 got jacked when my house was robed.I stared to flip when iw as bout 11 or 12.I currently have 1 black jag with a serated blade, that hurts when u get cut. But i learned fast so i havent been cut for a long time now. And i have a black handled "tavor" i think. Well it has a black blade and a funny wavey handle that fits ur hands.
A question for all our minor members: What do your parents and/or legal guardians think of your ownership and use of balisongs?
Mine are ok with it. They'd much rather I play the piano or something, but I like what I like. Plus I have other bladed weapons from Karate/Gung fu that there ok with. They basically see flipping as another Martial Art that I practice.
When I was 8 years old my parents left me a dozen throwing stars in my Easter basket, the balisong followed those pretty quickly at our next flea market visit. My parents thoughts on this where "We can not stop him from playing with dangerous things, so we must be sure he learns how to play with them correctly!" I love my parents so much "thank you Mom and Dad" :) -BC

"How many time do I have to tell you son, A KNIFE IS NOT A TOY" :) -dad
I'm 23 and I started manipulating and collecting about a year ago. Here is the pride of my collection......

There's been several more added since this picture was taken last year of just my Bali-Song Cutlery customs...........:D <IMG SRC=""> <IMG SRC="">
Dawkind: in the picture with the closed Bali-Songs what is the 3" Bali-Song?? It looks like it has the thick, custom-like handle but I haven't seen what it looks like open (I don't think so anyway)> Thanks.
Originally posted by BalisongMan
Dawkind: in the picture with the closed Bali-Songs what is the 3" Bali-Song?? It looks like it has the thick, custom-like handle but I haven't seen what it looks like open (I don't think so anyway)> Thanks.
It's the 3" custom WeeHawk at the bottom............ <IMG SRC="">
Dear Mr. Dawkins,
Could you please try to to get some quality pieces to show us next time. Thank you.
I'm 17 now but started a few months ago back in march, when i was 16.. At first my mom was kinda pissed that i was playin with knives a lot and always had cuts on my hand but now she's pretty cool with it and doesn't care (as long as i don't use it over her tile floor heheh). My dad doesn't really care either... If they ever give me crap about it though i just take out my keys and tell 'em i'm goin out to smoke some crack, then they don't bother me about my harmless hobbies anymore : )-
Thanks, too bad Dawkind has more customs than I do balisongs in my whole collection.:D
Well i live with my mom cause my parents got divoreced when i was like in 1st grade. My dad naturaly doesnt care cause im not with him most of the time so he pretty lets me do what ever i want. My mom doesnt care that i play with it and she knows about my other weapons.4 swords,6 throwing knifes (3 are cold steel)2 balis,countsless pockey knifes,and a police baton. She doesnt care about my paintball gun and my bb guns/singshots. So i guess she is koo about it.:) Hope she doesnt find the dents in the walls:rolleyes: .

Hey guys can u give the poor jag guy a nice bali he can play with from the kindnest of ur hearts ?:p
I'll give a free balisong (my choice) to the first person who comes up and asks me in person. Providing he/she knows the secret handshake.:D
S gave one last year ... ;)

I am 32 and have got into balis for years. Own some PC and one BM .. but my EDC is a Taiwan Wave Rostfrei.