Perkins Knives

I have read nothing but rave reviews for Sean Perkins' knives but I wonder who well they actually perform at knife tasks. It seems to me that such a small knife made out of 1/4" stock would not perform very well at cutting tasks. I am also leary of chisel edges, though I admit that I don't know much about their performance and nothing about the convex chisel grind used on these knives. Would any owners of one of these knives care to shed some light on the subject for me?
Feb 4, 1999
I'll let you know when I have mine in a week! ;-) There is a length description of how the knives are tested, too, at Sean's website, which leaves me no doubt that they are more than able to perform regular cutting tasks.
Sean has introduced a new line, too, called the Novare series. These are 3/16" instead of quarter inch, , they have a brushed finish rather than the other texturing and patination the others have. Anyway, it is also flat ground on one side. I'd be interested to see a comparison review of the two...

Have no doubt in you mind. I carry mine every day and it gets the crap beat out of it. It takes on cutting tasks just as well as any folder. The 1/4" stock gives you a great ability to put EXTREMELY high stress on the knife. I put more downward stress on it than I would ever put on my folders. I told Sean that as soon as I have enough money I am buying a Kitchen Kerver, can;t wait. Get it, you'll love it !!

Dark Nemesis

All of God's Critters may have knives, but most of them are stamped with the name BENCHMADE

When I seen the Sean Perkins ads I liked the design of his blades, but really wondered if such a small knife would cut anything and if it would be practical in the real world! I ordered the "Kerver" and would not take anything for it and carry it daily. It cuts great, holds a good edge and I love it in every way!! And it is so strong that you can easily pry with it...something that I would never do with larger knives. The workmanship is excellent and Sean is great in answering your questions and doing business with. You won't be sorry if you order one!
This all sounds promising, and I'm probably leaning towards getting a Kerver sometime in the future, but I just noticed that several models seem to have disappeared from his websight. Among the missing are the Kerver look-alike without the finger notches and the longer models, which I had also considered at one time. Does anyone know what happened to these?
Sean has discontinued the Stygia, Scaepha, and whatever that third one is (can't remember it's name off the top of my head). Anyway, I assume it is due to the fact that he has introduced the new Novare line, as well as added the new shapes to the regular line. He's probably eliminating the least popular items to concentrate on these others. The Novare line looks quite promising, especially at $40 a knife!!! Sean is sending me one of the discontinued models, which I can't wait to get!
Okay, gentlemen, it would be really inappropriate for me to get in on this forum other than to say that Jane and I really appreciate all your questions and comments.

S. Perkins
Hey, Sean, while you're here, I was curious about something...why the increase in price for the three new patterns you've come out with? It looks like the grinds may be more difficult, which would warrant an increased price, but are there other factors, too, that aren't readily seen by us? Just curious...
Hey, Steve! Since I'm offering a new line at much lower prices, with a third very affordable line due out later this week, I feel justified in raising the Antiqua models to prices closer to their true value (just my opinion, but I beat 'em up daily). Since the Antiqua models are very "old school" and take about 10-12 hours each to make, my hourly wage after costs and rendering unto Clinton is pathetic. That doesn't matter to a buyer, but what does matter is that there's a lot of sweat and, sometimes, blood poured into making the knife the strongest and most beautiful it can be. In other words, they're worth it. Hope you'll agree later this week, dude. Take care.


Glad to see you here, bud.

I showed my Kerver off to several of the "unwashed" (
) at the Blade Show to help them see the light.

Looks like I need to go back to your website to see what all of the hubbub is about.

Stick around.

Oh yeah, for those of you who are on the fence, get off it and buy one of Sean's knives. They are well worth the money paid.


Live Free or Die

So the entire Antiqua line is going up in price? Makes sense to me, certainly. I was just curious why it was only the three or four new patterns. Maybe the classics (i.e. Kerver) will joint their ranks? Anyway, I thought the Novare series was a cool I can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve!

Archie - I have had a Kerver for a couple of months now. I made a special request to make it without the finger groove and Sean was totally accomodating. In fact, he was a pleasure to do business with - especially for a knife in this price range. When you handle one and see the construction and finish, you'll agree that his stuff is a screamin' deal. I made a sheath for neck carry and I wear it in the office every day as it is actually hidden behind my id badge. He supplies a leather thong and I tied this into a knot that looks like a hangman's noose - this aids in withdrawal from behind the id badge. I've used it to cut food, whittle wood to make dowels, open envelopes, cut open boxes, and strip electrical wire. This thing definitely has a thousand and one uses. It's dulled a bit, but still plenty sharp for my needs. Oh, and did I mention that he was great to deal with:^) Kevin
All right, guys, I'm gonna shut up after this. Kevin, Mike, Larry, E.P., Archie, and Steve, once again I can't thank you enough, and I'm glad you owners are still rockin' with my little pocketknives. Larry, you got your 1/8" stock-- God willing, the photos will be on the site tomorrow, with the entire new line at $35. Those of you who like scalpels, slipjoint folders, and lightweight knives should be pleased. I just finished testing, and they all lived. ROCK! O.K., I'm a little excited, so I'll shut up here. Later, guys.

Sean Perkins
A Sean Perkins sharpened gem is definitely on the "must buy" agenda. Sean's passion radiates from the words on his webpage,and Blues,Fred Perrin and other members are very happy with their little Perkin's masterpieces.
But I didn't spot the ats-34 Kitchen Kerver on the current webpage. When I previously read Sean's website it was available, and if I remember,he mentioned it performed up to Sean's testing procedures as well as the carbon blades.
Is the stainless Kerver still available?
The lightweight 1/8 stock pieces sound great,and I'm surfing over to Sean's website now to see if there are pics. These would of course, make great neck knives. Hey Sean,thinking about doing any sheaths in kydex lately?

Stay safe and all the best, Phil <----<

Sean swore he would shut up, so I'll reply to you, Phil. Sean discontinued the Kitchen Kerver except for one more he'll make for Dark Nemesis because he promised. In fact, we've dropped stainless all together for the sake of performance and durability. Sean refuses to use Kydex because it doesn't breathe, it doesn't absorb, and he doesn't trust it not to brittle with age like the plastic parts on my Audi! The new line will be small knives for pocket carry, of course, and they'll be fitted with a key-ring adaptable leather sheath. We're talking ultra light stuff here, but it still chops oak like the rest of them. By the way, he wanted me to tell you they're slipjoint folder sized, not slipjoint folders. We still have principles, dammit! See ya.

Jane Perkins
Jeez...if ya want a Kydex sheath for a Perkins knife just make one for it yourself! It's easy, especially on a knife that size! Hell...I'm on vacation right now...any of you guys that want a Kydex sheath for their Perkins knives contact me. I'd be willing to do them for you. I have some Kydex in gray and I also have black. I'd be willing to do sheaths for a pretty small fee, or I will do them next to nothing if you provide materials. I'll tell you right now, though, that I don't use eyelets. I exclusively use Chicago screws unless someone else provides the tools and materials for eyelets. Anyway, it costs me 60 cents per screw (right now I have a few brass and a few aluminum) and I also have a little paracord.
Lemme know if any of you guys are interested. I would be willing to discuss carry options, but I am really only willing to do this while I am on vacation, which means for about the next four weeks or so. This could be fun, and I will guarantee you'll be happy with the results, or I will keep sending you sheaths until one DOES make ya happy! ;-) One catch that serves for all Kydex places is that you have to send the knife for the material to be form fitted. Just for anyone interested, as a rough estimate of time and money, ehere it is:
Time: upon receipt of the knife and designing the sheath, I would guess that I could have the thing done and back in the mail the next day if I am properly motivated. I would just as soon send the knives and sheaths insured via USPS Priority Mail for the quickest turnaround possible at an affordable price. The regular cost is $3.20, but it is a couple bucks extra for insurance. Let's guesstimate $5 for return postage, okay?
Add to that the cost of the materials, which would vary from knife to knife. I could probably do them with as few as two Chicago screws, for a total of $1.20 and whatever a few square inches of Kydex runs these days to as much as a few bucks in hardware and Kydex, depending on the carry options. Add finishing time and labor, and I would say it would be fair to get around $15 give or take a few bucks for each sheath, plus the $5 extra for shipping. Let's say I won't charge anyone more than $20 altogether, sound good? I think this could be fun, actually!
I just made a sheath for my fixed version of Bob Lum's Chinese Folder (blade made by MadPoet) that I did as a kit, and the sheath turned out GREAT. The design is based around a vertical carry leather pouch type design (i.e. your typical hunting knife sheath) with a large belt loop for vertical carry. The belt loop can be turned for horizontal carry (i.e. running along the length of the belt), and I made a second interchangeable small loop that is attached to a metal clasp to make it into a swinger sheath ala Madpoet. Sheath carry can be changed with a flathead screwdriver in seconds. Plus the sheath can be opened and cleaned because it is held together by screws instead of rivets.
I figure it could be pretty easy to rig up something that would work for horizontal, vertical, neck, and pocket carry, although this many options requires a lot of planning, a surprising amount of material, andmore finish work that you would think. I would guess this type of sheath would run the upper end of my estimate, but it's still a good price, and will probably turn out lower than the estimate anyway.
In any case, if any of you guys are interested in trying this route out, then let me know. I am at home for the whole vacation and need something to do while I care for my poor little sick puppy, so I would be interested and excited to work with people in this capacity. While I can't guarantee how this will turn out as I haven't done a sheath for a Perkins knife yet, I WILL guarantee that I will reimburse your money in full if you aren't happy with my sheath, or I will keep making them until you ARE happy with one. Sound good? Oh...I also promise to return the knife with the sheath! ;-)
Anyway, please email me if any of you guys are interested. My guess is average price will fall between $10-$15 with the postage included. That swinger sheath requires some extra hardware at a few bucks, but like I said, no sheath will cost more than $20 with shipping included.
One other thing, the brass Chicago screws will be in the brass color. Youc an choose to blacken them with gun bluing agent, but I prefer brass in its original color, so this is how they will be sent. Also, the aluminum screws are aluminum color, but they could be anodized or painted easily. I will ship them in their natural state, as with the brass. The Kydex I have in thick and high quality. The gray is really nice, and I used it on my Chinese utility and it is really sharp. The black! I hope someone bites on this, as I think it would be fun! Ah hell...let's say the first person who wants one will get it for free, and can post his impressions as soon as he gets the knife back just so you have an impartial party to recommend for or against my propsed service. Sound fair? Talk to ya soon!
Steve Agocs
Hey, Steve, could you go into a little more detail??? :-)

By the way, your knives shipped yesterday.

Jane Perkins
Steve - Right on about making the kydex sheath yourself. The one I made for the Kerver was my first ever - and I did it by reading posts on this great forum. Took me about two hours and I used eyelets. I made the sheath in a rectangular shape so I could add attachments to it for belt carry. And if I'm feeling especially froggy, I was thinking even behind the belt - if it's canted right (I normally wear a 1-1/4" double thick belt). Oh, and did I mention Sean was great to deal with;^) Kevin