Perrin collaboration sheath?

Jun 6, 2002
Just as it says, I'm wondering if there are any people out there who make custom sheaths or rigs of whatever type for the Perrin bowie? Does the knife come with anything out of the box?
The FB04 perrin bowie has a factory kydex rig. "Uncle" Mike Sastre makes rigs, as does Eric "Normark".

Eric's work is great, and I'm getting another rig by the end of the month.
The sheath that comes with the Spyderco Perrin fixed blade is a fine multi-carry sheath with a TekLok, that is good for general purpose use. What people like Normark, Rob Hummelbaugh, and myself can do, is give you a sheath that is tailored to your needs or specialized concerns. Some people prefer a different type of belt attachment, maybe a lower profile, and others like more or less tension holding the knife, all depending on intended use. We all have our specialties. A factory sheath has to be set up to cover as many bases as possible without getting ridiculously overbuilt. Spyderco's sheath program is definitely on the right track.
I bought a Spyderco Perrin. The knife is great. I love to use it. Great balance and grip. Cuts like mad.

Sheath sucks...

Didn´t lock up good enough. I carried it clipped to my strong side under a shirt. When I lifted up the shirt it got "hooked up" on it by the Kraton inserts. Not very much friction between my shirt and knife but enough to lift it out of the sheath. I yanked the sheath (while it was upside-down) very gently and it immediately popped out.I´ve never come across a kydex sheath that was this bad and I´ve tried 30+ different sheats from production makers mostly.

My recommendation. Be prepared to buy a sheath from any of the known sheathmakers.

(The sheath for the Temperance is a little better but still not great.)

...try using a heat gun to warm up the kydex and reform it to make it a bit tighter? I'm not familiar with the sheath, but I have heard of people tuning other sheathes to increase or decrease tension.

I don't think heating or tuning the Perrin Sheath will give you the results that you are looking for, of course I may be biased: 1, I hate the tech locks & 2, first stop all my knives make is to Mike S. @ River City. I have already ordered sheathes for the Gunting, Perrin and Temperance - haven't seen them yet but I am confident that they will be outstanding when I do see them.

...try using a heat gun to warm up the kydex and reform it to make it a bit tighter? I'm not familiar with the sheath, but I have heard of people tuning other sheathes to increase or decrease tension.

Yes, you could.

But I believe there is a design flaw. The brass rivets holding the two pieces of concealex together starts to loosen up (more) after you have used it for a while. Using a heat gun will probably solve the problem in the short run. However, in the long run it will get looser again and you won´t be able to fix it because the brass rivets further down on the sheath will loosen up.

I think that a folded sheath is a better design or Spyderco should have used the larger brass rivets. More mass to keep the concealex parts together.

I´m no expert, just my thoughts as a user.
