pic and specs for the Blade-Tech Mouse II


knife law moderator
Dec 25, 1998

Blade-Tech Wegner Mouse 2

• Blade Steel S30V (Flat ground)
• Blade Length 1 15/16"
• Overall Closed Length 3 1/16"
• Overall Open Length 4 15/16”
• Blade-Tech V-Hole
• Choice of G-10 or Carbon fiber scales
• G-10 MSRP @ $87.95
•Carbon Fiber MSRP @ $119.95
• Weight 2.1 oz.

Like the Pro Hunter, these will debut at the SHOT show next month.
Now THAT is a must have knife!! :eek:
Thats one of the coolest looking knives I've seen in quite a while too.
I think this is the one that tips me over into buying a Mouse. Nice knife all along, but I never quite got around to adding it to my Spydies. The Blade-Tech version seems to have that little bit extra. (Nice clip, too!)
Is this Blade Tech version of the Mouse a hand-made custom of Spyderco's version of the Mouse?
Originally posted by Boink
Is this Blade Tech version of the Mouse a hand-made custom of Spyderco's version of the Mouse?

Blade-Tech, Tim Wegner's company, has invested in the equipment to make knives. The Mouse II and Pro-hunter are production knives made in house by Blade Tech. I don't believe that Spyderco will be making the Mouse any more.
I don't know about the flat grind. I have the current mouse (by Spyderco) and one thing that makes it a power house cutter is the deep hollow grind. It also makes the knife look better.

The V-hole? Don't know how it'll work, but the current mouse with Spydie hole as a perfect opening.

Now it's just another black knife. In the Spydie version it was two-toned, Titanium-almite on the scales, polished Aluminum on the edges. Much more friendly appearnance.

Why fix it if it a'nt broke?

Some other thread awhile back said these knives were to be made in Taiwan and to come in at a lower price point than the current Mouse. These prices are equal or higher. If made in the US by Blade-Tech, it'll be interesting to see if they can produce a quality product and stay in business with only two models. I'd wonder why Wegner dumped Spyderco after all these years. Is this a sign of business expansion and a turning around of the economy?