Pic Request: Wharncliffs

May 17, 2012
Hey guys,
Anyone owning a wharncliff XM, would you mind posting a pic (or two)? Too hard to find scrolling through the pics thread. Thanks!




It official, Dawg's got far too many answers to our post-em if ya got-em threads.
An Old Comedian once tried a joke on Chem (those old enough know how it goes) " Hey have any naked pics of your Gal? "
Chem simply said, " Maybe BUT, I have pics of yours , Wanna See?" (BaBoom)
Yeah, I actually considered just sending Chem a PM for some private Wharny porn but then you all would've been deprived!!

Thank You Sir, You are a True GentleMan ( said with a swarthy accent as if snifting good Bourbon)
An Old Comedian once tried a joke on Chem (those old enough know how it goes) " Hey have any naked pics of your Gal? "
Chem simply said, " Maybe BUT, I have pics of yours , Wanna See?" (BaBoom)

That's hilarious! :D I only have knife pics....no...really that's all!
Thanks! With all the discussion lately about a production wharnie in 3.5" and 3"...I have rested my Skinner and Slicer temporarily and have been edc'n my wf wharnie with Ti scale.. hopefully its a good Oman for a future production wharnie (fingers crossed). :D
I saw that thread. My want is way too high for a Warnie to get my hopes up on a production version. A Spearpoint in production would be killer too.
Agreed...Spearpoint would be a great production grind! Don't give up hope on the Wharnie...use the force!:thumbup:
Ok, I meditated on the idea for a bit...how about this....???

The first choil-less 3.5 production variants as Warncliff and/or Spearpoints?
Wait there are rumors about a production wharnie? Wow where have I been? Who said it? Any other possible blade styles? I need info and quick! :D
Wait there are rumors about a production wharnie? Wow where have I been? Who said it? Any other possible blade styles? I need info and quick! :D

Like so many things, the Want outpaces all else. Trust that if anything gets a "go" it will be just an known as the production Slicers were/are.