Pic Request

Jan 2, 2007
Does anyone have a pic of their subcom fixed-blade rigged with a Tek-Lok? If so, can you post a pic of it attached to your belt? Thanks for the help...been considering getting a fixed and I just want to see how it would fit on a belt. Thanks again.
Does anyone have a pic of their subcom fixed-blade rigged with a Tek-Lok? If so, can you post a pic of it attached to your belt? Thanks for the help...been considering getting a fixed and I just want to see how it would fit on a belt. Thanks again.

Aloha cynick23,

Ooh...hang on a bit longer...I'll try to get some for you. Be advised, it is VERY unobtrusive...even more so if ya wear it canted to the right!:thumbup:

God bless:cool: