Pics/descriptions of new stuff? please help :confused:

Nov 17, 1999
Hello folks,

I've always loved spyderco's, my endura was my first high quality folder and it's still kicking.
Then i read this list on BF main forums posted by a spydie colector club member.
2 Salsa
3 Slipjoint
4 Large Temperance
5 FB Temperence
6 Janich Yojimbo
7 Lumto
8 Perrin Bowie
9 Meerkat
10 VG-10 Delica

Besides a delica, I cannot remember one picture of such a knife... and soon i am to buy another spydie, but if any of the new ones would be worth it, I could wait.
I usually base my purchases on pictures and descriptions, but i have not seen of any of these knives a description nor picture.
Am I missing that much ???

please help me out.. you can mail 'm to me if you can't post here.

greetz and thanks in advance, Bart.
I would recommend doing a search in this forum as well as the forum on Spyderco's site. I did that this morning when I was trying to see what a Meerkat looked like and quickly found several pictures.
Clay Kesting has done the most posting of pics on the Spyderco company forum. That forum only very recently provided the ability to post pics.
Descriptions / spec.s may be easier to find with a search than images. Most of those models are still in prototype stage and Sal discourages pics of models further away than 6 months down the line to production to be posted publicly. People sometimes get all worked up over the prototype and most likely the final production version will have slight differences. I think we on the Spyderco forums are lucky to see the little glimpses that we've seen already. Most other companies products are a total suprise until the dealers release them for sale.

The large Temperance is not yet in the line up for production until some positive response to the jr. Temperance is recieved. It might not happen at all, but we can hope.
