Pilots survival knife, dated?

Feb 10, 2003
I have two genuine Viet Nam era navy issued pilots survival knives, which were issued to me, So I know they are real and genuine!. Niether have any kind of date marks on them. At the point where the blade and the handle join, the mfgr 's name is: Camillus. Thats all there is!
I was at a gun/knife show this weekend, and a knife collector pointed out that his pilots suvivors knives were dated. At the handle end of the knife, on one of the "flats" in the hex end, there was a mfgr name:camillus and a date.
Is this for real? are the pilots survival knives dated ? If so, why isn't mine dated?
The brand new pilots survival knives I just got from Ontario, which are the new contract knife, are all dated. They also had a sticker on the back of the sheath. Maybe yours had the sticker which came off at one point.
Thanks for the direction, Logan, I did go to the location you suggested and re-asked the question. I'm new in this area, and am finding that getting back to a forum is sometimes difficult. I must be having a "senior moment..."
No problem, and glad that I could help. And if you want to find it with out the link go to "bladeforums.com" then to "general knife discussion" then to "Bernard Levine".
He writes an annual price guide for old and collector knives and is thought of well. The only thing that I would add is that I would give it a few days to get a responce because I don't really know how often he comes out and looks at the forums.
WW, not sure about Camillus but a few years ago I had a WWII Milpar pilot survival knife and was told it was more valuable because it was undated.

If you can find a copy of Cole's Military Knife values you'd get your answer. Also, there's a man named Frank Traszka, who has a forum, I think it's on www.knifeforums.com who can probably give you an answer.