Pins or wire instead of rivets for kydex?

Jun 4, 2008
Hey. I was just thinking...Why not use pins(spread with peen hammer) instead of rivets on kydex sheaths? Or, better yet, how about stitching the 2 halves of kydex together with some type of metal wire, like you do with leather and thread? The reason of course, is to get a sheath with a slimmer profile. This would be great imo for knives that don't need slots and holes for lashing. maybe a slim sheath for IWB. What do you guys think? Any better ideas? Rivets are cool, but i cant ever seem to find real tiny ones that would suit my purpose and still hold a sheath together. Thanks for any ideas or comments.
Anyone ever tried epoxy-ing the two sides together instead of rivets??
Kydex is a tough material, but sowing would be possible if you drill the holes and sow with a strong thread. Glueing is also possible. Don't underestimate glue. Some modern epoxy form bonds that are stronger then the base material. A lot of modern airplanes are "glued" together. I think it hasn't been used a lot because of the fact that it is easier to stick with a system that works, then to start experimenting especially when you are dealing with a commercial product for a customer. My guess is that kydex is also a great candidate for RF welding.
We will see more and more hybrid systems in the future where kydex could be combined with more traditional and visual appealing materials that doesn't transfer the whole tactical look.
I don't really see how rivets could be considered to not be slim enough but you could always lightly take a hammer and tap both sides flat. As far as other methods of securing the seam, sewing gluing and "welding" all have possibilities. I've had some kydex heated enough to stick to itself after pressing. I've also seen a picture that David "Buy Brown" posted of some work he did based on a technique he learned from someone else where he left tabs on one side and folded them over the other side of the seam.
Most times on a fold over style sheath, the knife will have very good retention even before riveting.
It would be nice to see some pictures of different methods people have used.
Or, better yet, how about stitching the 2 halves of kydex together with some type of metal wire, like you do with leather and thread?

A good strong thread would be easier than wire I would think. I've seen a couple made that way before. Holes were predrilled and then the whole thing was threaded. On a foldover with a leather or rubber welt figured in, it might work alright.

Anyone ever tried epoxy-ing the two sides together instead of rivets??

The orange labelled CPVC glue is supposed to work well, though I've not tried it.

I don't really see how rivets could be considered to not be slim enough but you could always lightly take a hammer and tap both sides flat.

I think he means width wise.

Okay cool. That fold over tab thing sounds pretty good too. Thanks again.

Look up Tom Maringer.
Thanks. I was thinking a metal wire/cable, that is flexible, in order to keep that tactical look. and yea, i was thinking maybe a rubber welt of some sort also. I was thinking a very high strength fishing line(like for sharks or something), but figured the metal cable would look better.
and yes, the rivet size i was referring to was width wise.
THanks again