pix test



nepali girls can hold their own against amorous males. She looks like she's been doing serious work for 5 years, she can't be but 10-12?. Also, who's gonna mess with a girl that carries and swings a sicle every day?

Good looking kid Uncle. Strikes me that folks who grow up earning their keep have a much better sense of their own worth, and far more consideration for others.


I thought maybe Pala really was going crazy...:eek: :eek: :eek:




The little girl is Tamang, decendants of the Mongols and generally Buddhists. As you can see she's dirty, wearing ragged clothes, wearing the two cent plastic bracelets, and equipped with her hasiya and doka is preparing for a hard day in the fields -- but look at the smile on her face!

And, if I walked past her folks place they'd probably invite me in for a cup of tea and maybe some alu tarkari -- hopitality on a buck a day. It's stuff like this that inspires me to get up each AM, hit this screen, and try to sell as many khukuris as I can. Life ain't easy in Nepal. I know we can't save them all but we can save a few and that's a hell of a lot better than none.
...looks good, Bill.

Now you've got "Picture Postin' Powers"...

:D :eek: